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2025-01-12 2025 European Cup 68 jili News
The International Monetary Fund has approved a new two-year loan arrangement for Papua New Guinea for about $US259 million ($A407 million) to help the Pacific island nation improve climate resilience. or signup to continue reading The IMF Executive Board announced on Thursday that it had also completed third reviews under existing loan arrangements, providing PNG with immediate access to about $US125 million, the IMF said. In July, the IMF board's second review noted PNG "authorities' strong commitment to reforms." "The program will continue to support Papua New Guinea's reform agenda, help protect the vulnerable and foster inclusive growth, with a focus maintained on strengthening debt sustainability, alleviating FX shortages, and enhancing governance and anti-corruption frameworks," it wrote. DAILY Today's top stories curated by our news team. WEEKDAYS Grab a quick bite of today's latest news from around the region and the nation. WEEKLY The latest news, results & expert analysis. WEEKDAYS Catch up on the news of the day and unwind with great reading for your evening. WEEKLY Get the editor's insights: what's happening & why it matters. WEEKLY Love footy? We've got all the action covered. WEEKLY Every Saturday and Tuesday, explore destinations deals, tips & travel writing to transport you around the globe. WEEKLY Going out or staying in? Find out what's on. WEEKDAYS Sharp. Close to the ground. Digging deep. Your weekday morning newsletter on national affairs, politics and more. TWICE WEEKLY Your essential national news digest: all the big issues on Wednesday and great reading every Saturday. WEEKLY Get news, reviews and expert insights every Thursday from CarExpert, ACM's exclusive motoring partner. TWICE WEEKLY Get real, Australia! Let the ACM network's editors and journalists bring you news and views from all over. AS IT HAPPENS Be the first to know when news breaks. DAILY Your digital replica of Today's Paper. Ready to read from 5am! DAILY Test your skills with interactive crosswords, sudoku & trivia. Fresh daily! Advertisement Advertisement68 jili

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah convened a video conference meeting with all district across Jammu and Kashmir to review snow clearance operations and restoration of essential services following heavy snowfall in the Kashmir Valley. The meeting held at the video conference hall in Ganderbal, was attended in person by Advisor to the CM Nasir Aslam Wani, Deputy Commissioner Ganderbal Shyambir, ADC Ganderbal, and other senior district officials. Chief Secretary, Divisional Commissioners of Kashmir and Jammu, and Deputy Commissioners from all districts participated via video conferencing. The snowfall, which began yesterday, has disrupted normal life in many districts across the valley. During the meeting, Deputy Commissioners presented updates on snow clearance, restoration of power and water supply and emergency response to deal with inclement weather. The Chief Minister directed Deputy Commissioners to personally supervise snow clearance operations, emphasizing the need to obtain photographic evidence of cleared areas to ensure thorough removal and prevent freezing road condition as temperatures drop. He called for a proactive approach, urging officials to deploy adequate manpower and machinery on the ground. District administrations were instructed to provide two-hourly updates to the CM’s office and the Chief Secretary’s office to keep the government apprised of the situation. The Chief Engineer of Public Health Engineering (PHE) informed the CM that 90% of the water supply across the valley has been restored, with efforts underway to address the remaining 10%. The Divisional Commissioner of Jammu reported that power and water supply in Jammu districts remain unaffected, while the Chief Secretary confirmed steady progress in restoring electricity feeders and assured that district hospitals are functioning smoothly. The Chief Minister stressed the importance of ensuring 100% attendance of doctors and paramedical staff at all district and sub-district hospitals to effectively manage emergencies. Special instructions were issued to the Deputy Commissioner Budgam to coordinate with airport authorities to assist stranded tourists and to provide transportation, if required. The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir assured that sufficient stocks of essential commodities, including food and other civil supplies, are available in all districts. Commending officials for their efforts, the Chief Minister urged them to remain vigilant, proactive, and responsive to the needs of the people during this challenging period. He emphasized the importance of seamless coordination and uninterrupted services to mitigate the impact of the snowfall on the public. Following heavy snowfall across the Kashmir Valley, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today visited District Hospital Ganderbal and assessed the facilities and services available to patients during the inclement weather. During his visit, the Chief Minister inspected various units of the hospital and reviewed the availability of essential medicines, staff on duty and the functionality of the central heating system. The Medical Superintendent briefed the Chief Minister on the hospital’s preparedness to ensure patient care, confirming that the central heating system is fully operational. However, he also highlighted challenges such as a shortage of medical staff and ambulances in the district. In response, CM Omar Abdullah reiterated his government’s commitment to enhancing healthcare services across Jammu & Kashmir and addressing critical gaps to meet public needs. He assured that steps would be taken to resolve the issues raised by the hospital administration. Chief Minister directed the hospital authorities to strictly enforce the duty roster for medical and paramedical staff to ensure uninterrupted services to avoid inconvenience to patients. During his visit he was accompanied by his advisor Nasir Aslam Wani and other concerned officers.An Irish civil jury found Friday that UFC superstar Conor McGregor is liable of sexually assaulting a woman in a Dublin hotel room in December 2018. McGregor was ordered by the High Court in Dublin to pay the victim 248,000 euros, or approximately $257,000 in U.S. dollars. No criminal charges came from the incident which allegedly occurred after the two met at a Christmas party in Dublin. The woman said McGregor forced her onto a bed and choked her. A paramedic treating the woman's injuries the following morning testified that he had never seen such intense bruising on a victim, per BBC News. The woman said she then let McGregor do what he wanted to because she feared for her life and that she would not see her daughter again. "He let me go and I remember saying I was sorry, as I felt that I did something wrong and I wanted to reassure him that I wouldn't tell anyone so he wouldn't hurt me again," the woman said in court. She alleged that McGregor put her in a choke hold multiple times and later said, "Now you know how I felt in the Octagon where I tapped out three times," in reference to a UFC bout in which he had to admit defeat. McGregor has denied the accusations, saying that the two had consensual sex. He said in court of the chokehold allegation, "It is a full-blown lie among many lies. How anyone could believe that me, as a prideful person, would highlight my shortcomings." The jury of eight women and four men deliberated for just over six hours before deciding against McGregor's version of events. The woman reported the incident to the police at the time, but prosecutors declined to bring charges, citing insufficient evidence and an unlikely chance at a conviction. After the verdict, McGregor did not speak to reporters but posted on social media that he'll appeal the decision. "The judge's instruction and the modest award was given for assault, not for aggravated or exemplary damages. I am disappointed that the jury did not hear all the evidence that the DDP reviewed. I am with my family now, focused on my future. Thank you to all my support worldwide," he posted. McGregor, 36, and his longtime fiancee, Dee Devlin, have four children. McGregor has not fought in UFC since sustaining a broken leg during a July 2021 loss to Dustin Poirier. The Ireland native is a former featherweight and lightweight champion with a record of 22-6, including 19 wins by knockout. --Field Level Media

Lors des États généraux des entreprises du portefeuille public de la RDC, placé sous la présidence du président Tshisekedi ,a l’initiative du ministre du portefeuille public Lucien Bussa ;le Directeur général de la Gécamines, Placide Nkala, a présenté un bilan rétrospectif et prospectif de la société minière qu’il dirige. Il a mis en avant les perspectives de performances issues des réformes engagées par la direction, dans le but de positionner l’entreprise comme un outil moteur de la croissance partagée et du développement industriel de la RDC, grâce à management innovant. D’entrée de jeu ,Placide Nkala a rappelé à l’auditoire que « dans sa période la plus faste, la GECAMINES produisait 476 033 tonnes de cuivre, 14 500 tonnes de cobalt et 64 000 tonnes de zinc avec un effectif de 36 000 agents dans les années 80 », affirme le directeur général de l’entreprise le jeudi 12 décembre 2024,devant l’auditoire réuni dans la salle du centre financier qui abrite les assises des États généraux des entreprises publiques, une sorte de revue des comptes des entreprises publiques. Si à cette époque, la Générale des Carrières et des Mines contribuait substantiellement au budget de l’État, les choses se sont inversées dans les années 90. Privée d’accès au marché financier international, les revenus internes de GECAMINES étaient insuffisants. Le Directeur Général explique que l’entreprise était confrontée à une chute persistante de sa propre production, due à l’effondrement, en septembre 1990, d’une partie de la mine souterraine de Kamoto, alors un de ses principaux centres de production, et au vieillissement de l’outil de production aggravé par le manque de maintenance. Pour faire face à cette situation, en 1995, la GECAMINES a adopté une nouvelle stratégie pour le financement de son activité : l’exploitation d’une partie de ses gisements miniers et la mise en place d’installations industrielles en partenariat avec des tiers investisseurs, nationaux et surtout étrangers, dans des joint-ventures pour trouver les ressources nécessaires à sa survie et à sa relance. Après ce détour historique, le directeur général aborde la situation actuelle des partenariats : « Aujourd’hui,la GECAMINES est engagée dans 62 partenariats, répartis en trois catégories : 21 joint-ventures où la Gécamines a cédé ses droits et titres miniers, 32 amodiations et 9 filiales. En 2023, les revenus générés par ces partenariats ont constitué 57,8 % du chiffre d’affaires de l’entreprise, évalué à 244 178 264 dollars américains. » Ces revenus proviennent de divers éléments tels que les pas de porte (le droit d’accès au business), les royalties (rémunération payée à la GECAMINES par la JV en compensation de la consommation des minerais du gisement), les loyers d’amodiation, les locations d’immeubles et les dividendes. « S’agissant du bilan et des opportunités créées par les partenariats de GECAMINES, ils sont loin des fantasmes et des rumeurs qui courent les rues », explique le directeur général. Les retombées financières attendues par GECAMINES devraient être réalisées sous forme de pas de porte, de royalties, de prestations diverses et principalement de dividendes. Malgré l’embellie des cours des métaux non ferreux, les niveaux de production déterminés par des modèles économiques, et contrairement aux résultats simulés dans les études de faisabilité, les attentes de GECAMINES n’ont pas été atteintes depuis que les différents partenariats sont entrés dans leur phase de production. « GECAMINES n’a perçu au titre des revenus que les pas de porte et les royalties. Les sociétés n’ont commencé à distribuer des dividendes aux associés (actionnaires) qu’en 2020 », poursuit le manager. Pourtant, les projections des études de faisabilité qui avaient justifié en leur temps la signature des contrats de ces J.V. indiquaient déjà qu’en 2018 GECAMINES SA devait percevoir des dividendes et l’État recevoir un impôt sur les bénéfices. Les principales raisons de cette absence de distribution de dividendes sont, de l’avis du directeur général, un endettement lourd contracté par le partenaire et souvent à des conditions loin d’être concessionnelles ; s’y ajoute, des intérêts très élevés supportés par la Joint-venture sur la dette colossale sus évoquée, contractée souvent auprès de l’actionnaire majoritaire ; il y a aussi la politique des amortissements admise par le Code minier, qui permet d’amortir les investissements à concurrence de 60% dès la première année de production et d’appliquer la méthode dégressive par la suite ; des coûts de production souvent élevés et des recettes commerciales minorées ; des honoraires d’assistance technique très élevés payés par la Joint-venture à l’actionnaire majoritaire pour des prestations souvent mal définies et difficilement perceptibles. Comme l’a souvent évoqué, je cite : « les partenariats ont été conclus pour nous apporter du capital, ils nous ont apporté de la dette », déclarait un ancien Président du Conseil d’administration cité par le directeur général. Devant ce constat amer, le Gouvernement de la RDC a pris une série de mesures suivantes dans le but d’équilibrer les intérêts des parties : * la revisitation des contrats de partenariats de GECAMINES ; * la législation sur la sous-traitance privée avec en point de mire le secteur minier ; * la révision du Code minier en 2018 ; * la commercialisation de la production par les actionnaires à concurrence de leur participation au capital social dans la joint-venture. La première tentative de revisitation des contrats miniers de 2007 n’aura pas produit les effets escomptés et le résultat fut de l’avis des observateurs « illusoire et éphémère », à l’exception de l’augmentation de certains pas de porte et quelques royalties, des réajustements de participation dans quelques partenariats (TFM, SMCO, Boss Mining, Ruashi Mining, CMT) qui, constate le DG, ne changèrent rien à l’économie générale des contrats. Et donc les déséquilibres ont perduré. Le Code minier révisé en date du 09 mars 2018 a permis le rééquilibrage des contrats miniers du point de vue juridique : * Les gisements des entreprises publiques constituent des apports de celles-ci dans les partenariats et doivent être évalués suivant le droit OHADA ; et ainsi aucune entreprise apportant des gisements ne pourra être minoritaire dans le capital social des JV ; * En vue de rééquilibrer la participation de l’État au capital social, le nouveau Code Minier prévoit en son article 80 la cession à l’État de 5% des parts ou actions du capital social de la société à chaque renouvellement d’un permis minier, en sus de celle cédée précédemment ; La commercialisation de la production par les actionnaires poursuit un double objectif : * mettre fin au conflit d’intérêts commercial lié à l’exclusivité que s’était octroyée l’actionnaire majoritaire contrôlant la joint-venture sur la production de la société – en effet, il n’est plus question pour la Société de vendre automatiquement sa production à son seul actionnaire majoritaire selon des termes commerciaux non négociés ; * ouvrir la commercialisation de la production de la joint-venture à la concurrence, et ce dans le meilleur intérêt de la société – en effet, l’actionnaire majoritaire est désormais censé être en concurrence avec des acheteurs tiers, susceptibles de présenter de meilleurs offres commerciales pour acquérir toute ou partie de la production de la joint-venture, une telle émulation ayant pour but de maximiser le chiffre d’affaires de cette dernière. Actuellement, la commercialisation de la production par les actionnaires concerne deux joint-ventures, à savoir SICOMINES et TFM, grâce aux efforts et la détermination du Président, Félix TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO. Cette démarche devrait s’étendre à terme à toutes les joint-ventures. De son côté, GECAMINES a réalisé les efforts suivants : * GECAMINES a diligenté fin 2012 et fin 2015 une série d’audits des JV en production en vue de vérifier l’exactitude et la conformité des investissements, le niveau d’endettement, la production déclarée et les modalités de commercialisation de la production. Ces différents audits ont dessiné une image assez réaliste du régime global des partenariats de GECAMINES et notamment leur défaut. Quasiment, tous les partenaires de GECAMINES optimisent leur politique de financement, d’investissement et d’exploitation.

Mumbai: Governor CP Radhakrishnan, newly sworn-in Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and his deputies Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar also visited Chaityabhoomi and paid floral tributes to the chief architect of the Constitution. The Governor said, “Bharat Ratna Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was a scholar, educationist, jurist, social reformer and a great personality with political vision. His contribution to the nation is incomparable. His vision led to reforms against untouchability and discrimination in society.” VIDEO | Mumbai: Maharashtra Governor CP Radhakrishnan, CM Devendra Fadnavis ( @Dev_Fadnavis ) and Deputy CMs Ajit Pawar ( @AjitPawarSpeaks ), Eknath Shinde ( @mieknathshinde ) pay tributes to Dr. BR Ambedkar on the occasion of his death anniversary. #MahaparinirvanDiwas (Full video... After paying his tributes, CM Fadnavis said that India is now the fifth-largest economy in the world and will soon become the third-largest. “Our country is making spectacular progress in various fields which is possible due to the Constitution given by Dr Ambedkar. Dr Ambedkar always said that the government is the instrument of social reforms. Our government will put efforts to empower the weaker section in the society through various welfare schemes,” he said. CM Fadnavis also distributed food to the visitors at Shivaji Park under the ‘December 6 Service Project’. The municipal corporation had deployed more than 8,000 employees to ensure amenities like food, water, sanitation and health services. The civic body had erected a temporary shelter in a pavilion of 1 lakh square feet area at Shivaji Park for the Ambedkar followers.UNLV beats UC Riverside 66-53

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WASHINGTON: US President-elect Donald Trump is set to be named Time magazine's "Person of the Year" on Thursday, coinciding with his scheduled appearance to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange, according to sources familiar with the developments. A spokesperson for Time declined to comment on the selection. The Republican president-elect built his fortune as a New York real estate investor before turning to politics. During his first term as president, he measured his success in part by the strength of the stock market, which has so far welcomed his re-election. The ringing of the bell signifies the start or closing of the trading day at the world’s largest stock exchange, and is considered an honour. The act has historically been reserved for company executives celebrating an initial public offering or other major corporate milestones, but celebrities and politicians like Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela and Arnold Schwarzenegger have also rung it. Politico first reported the news of Trump's selection and plans. Time bestowed the "Person of the Year" title to Trump once before, in 2016. It named Democratic President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris "Person of the Year" in 2020, after they defeated Trump. Pop star Taylor Swift received the title last year.

WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) — Nolan Hodge scored 21 points as UNC Wilmington beat UNC Asheville 85-74 on Saturday. Hodge shot 6 for 9 (1 for 3 from 3-point range) and 8 of 8 from the free-throw line for the Seahawks (9-3). Donovan Newby scored 20 points while shooting 6 for 10 (3 for 5 from 3-point range) and 5 of 6 from the free-throw line. Josh Corbin shot 4 for 11, including 3 for 8 from beyond the arc to finish with 11 points. The Bulldogs (8-5) were led by Jordan Marsh, who posted 23 points and seven assists. UNC Asheville also got 18 points from Kameron Taylor. Josh Banks finished with 13 points. The Bulldogs ended a five-game winning streak with the loss. UNC Wilmington took the lead with 19:05 to go in the first half and did not relinquish it. The score was 44-30 at halftime, with Hodge racking up 12 points. Newby's 20-point second half helped UNC Wilmington finish off the 11-point victory. UNC Wilmington next plays Saturday against Spartanburg Methodist at home, and UNC Asheville will host Columbia International on Monday. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .'Chutzpah': Colorado justices raise eyebrows at Weld County's assertion it can evade redistricting law

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The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" To keep reading, please log in to your account, create a free account, or simply fill out the form below.AFK Journey Nominated “Mobile Game of the Year” by The Game Awards and Named Best Game of 2024 ...

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