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Bill Reichart was honored with the Mayfly Award in recognition for his lifelong serviceto conservation. DOYLE DIETZ/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Dedicated flintlock muzzleloader deer hunters are willing to brave the elements to takepart in the special season that is in its 50 th year. DOYLE DIETZ/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Hunters are once again able to enjoy pheasant hunts at Martz’s Gap View Preserve whichovercame an outbreak of Avian Flu early this year. DOYLE DIETZ/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Anglers crowd the shore to find their favorite fishing spots on the opening day of theBetty Dietz-Bruce Schneck Memorial Fishing Event. DOYLE DIETZ/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Bill Reichart was honored with the Mayfly Award in recognition for his lifelong serviceto conservation. DOYLE DIETZ/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER There were many memorable outdoors-related events in 2024. In no particular order, hereis a look back at some of them. Bill Reichart presented with Mayfly Award Bill Reichart says his first ever “conservation project” was when he was 8 years old and agroup of locals tried to pump out the lower level at Auburn Desilting Dam in 1956 tosave the fish before they pumped the dredged material into the lower level when the damwas dredged.Since then he has spent his life dedicated to promoting clean water projects, including theworks of Schuylkill River Greenway and promoting efforts to improve the SchuylkillRiver Watershed. Some of his efforts that have had the most impact in our watershed are:Understanding, educating people on, and addressing water quality issues – especially inthe upper watershed; Leading the Porter Floodplain restoration project and associatedSchuylkill River Trail–Auburn Bridge connection that fills the gap in the SRT betweenBerks and Schuylkill counties; and The Schuylkill River Acts and Impacts YouthExpedition.This year Reichart was recognized for his lifelong work by the Pennsylvania AbandonedMine Reclamation when it presented the Schuylkill Headwaters Association presidentwith its annual Mayfly Award. A symbol of clean waters, the award is presented annuallyto someone who focuses on maintaining the health of local waterways.Anglers owe a debt of gratitude to Reichart being instrumental in getting a significantamount of fish habitat into Sweet Arrow Lake near Pine Grove. He got 100 porcupinecribs built and sunk, got many tons of rock installed by the Pennsylvania Fish and BoatCommission, had hundreds of posts for clusters installed and coordinated a mile of fishhabitat/stream bank improvements in Upper Little Swatara Creek. Martz’s Gap View Preserve recovers from Avian Flu outbreak to celebrate 70 years As the third-generation operator of Martz’s Gap View Hunting Preserve, Mike Martz hadbeen living the dream following in the footsteps of his grandfather and father.Unfortunately, that dream turned into the nightmare this year when Highly PathogenicAvian Influenza hit the business. HPAI was discovered in one of the pheasant pens at Martz’s, necessitating the ceasing ofall activities – including field hunts, Continental hunts and trap shooting. It was thehardest event to unfold on the third-generation farm, which caused the PennsylvaniaGame Commission to adjust its late-season pheasant stockings to help safeguard theagency’s pheasant program and better ensure it will continue next year in the 2024-25hunting seasons.Over the summer, however, Martz’s rebounded and opened for its 70 th year of business inSeptember. It is now once again providing field hunts and Continental hunts, as well astrap events. Steve Smith appointed new Pennsylvania Game Commission executive director Steve Smith, who had served as deputy executive director since February, was appointedto his new role of executive director by the Board of Game Commissioners in executivesession. Smith replaced Bryan Burhans, who served as the agency’s executive directorsince 2017. Burhans resigned his position, which was accepted by the board.“This is a critical time for the Game Commission and the future of hunting, trapping andthe conservation of wildlife,” Smith said. “The work we do now will have lasting impactsfor the generations to come, and ensure they will enjoy the same opportunities we havefor centuries. It is an honor to serve in this capacity.”A Berks County native, Smith graduated magna cum laude from West Chester Universitywith a degree in Political Science. He then received a law degree from the Penn StateDickinson School of Law. Smith joined the agency in 2008, after several years ofpracticing law. Hunters Sharing the Harvest continues to set record donations For Hunters Sharing the Harvest executive director Randy Ferguson hunter donations ofdeer this fall and early winter has created good news with another record on the horizonto the extent money is needed to pay processors for their role in the record-breakingnonprofit charitable organization.At the conclusion of last year’s hunting seasons Pennsylvania hunters broke their recordfor venison donations with 261,672 pounds of ground meat from 6,905 deer and six elkstatewide. That record resulted in more than 1 million individual servings of lean, high-protein venison, and Ferguson expects that record to fall again when the 2024-25 huntingseasons end.Hunters pay nothing to donate a deer at one of HSH’s 100-plus participating processorsacross the state. Instead, the organization reimburses those processors for every deerdonated, and last season, those reimbursement costs reached an all-time high ofapproximately $500,000.“While helping HSH feed more families, crop damage deer are the driving factor inHSH’s rising operational expenses, and a cause for increased financial need for theorganization,” Ferguson said “When I started in this role almost four years ago, we sawacouple hundred deer a year that we could identify as crop damage related.“Last year, that number was nearly 1,300 deer, and the crop damage category of donateddeer is doubling year over year. Deer donated during the regular archery and rifle seasonscontinue to grow at a healthy and manageable pace.” Swatara Cooperative Trout Nursery celebrates 25 years Bob Evanchalk, whose farm houses the Swatara Cooperative Trout Nursery, has spent 25years raising trout which are stocked in Sweet Arrow Lake and local Pine Grove Areastreams. In 25 years that comes to 139,866 trout — or about 5,600 trout per year.In 1999 a 50-foot long, 4-foot wide concrete raceway was constructed after thePennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission deemed the water source and site acceptable to house the nursery. The Schuylkill Conservation District applied to the Fish AmericaFoundation and was awarded $5,000 to make the nursery a reality.Sweet Arrow Lake and the main branch of Swatara Creek were two of the primarystocking locations as they were not on the PFBC trout stocking list. Later, the Upper (akaRoedersville) and Lower Little Swatara (aka Rock) Creeks were added.The PFBC supplies fingerling trout and technical assistance, and the nursery must findvolunteers and finances for expenses to raise the trout. Thanks to Evanchalk and somestalwart helpers the fish were in good hands, and the nursery was expanded to 90 feet in2000 and was covered with a metal lid to keep predators like herons, kingfishers, mink,snakes and other critters from enjoying an easy meal. Dietz-Schneck Memorial Fishing Event major attraction at Sweet Arrow Lake Planning is already underway for the 2025 Betty Dietz and Bruce Schneck MemorialFishing Event at Sweet Arrow Lake. Dean Skinner Ney has taken over administering theevent from Craig Morgan and Dean will also coordinate the food stand.Pioneer Pole Buildings last year of sponsorship is 2025, but Bob and Diane Green haveagreed to commit four more years at $2,500 per year match money. Also, the Friends ofSchuylkill Parks & Recreation have committed $5,000 in the past in matching funds.The Swatara Co-op Trout Nursery received $3,000 from the Sportsmen’s Advisory Boardlast year and this donation helps stock 2,000 really nice fish in the lake.The event is not a fundraiser, and it continues because of community support andparticipants, plus what Tevis Energy and Modern Comfort provide for Mentored YouthDay.DEP denies enhancement project for Sweet Arrow LakeIn 2022 the outdoors page of the Pottsville Republican Herald ran a feature article thattold of plans to enhance fish habitat and angler access to the resource at Sweet ArrowLake County Park. Since then, PennDOT was contacted about safer access through theguiderails, but the agency said nothing could be done.Also contacted was the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Lake Habitat Management sectionfor assistance. An on-site meeting and boat tour of the lake produced an updated fishhabitat improvement plan that included a number of stone deflectors which also improvedangler access to the resource. The Schuylkill Conservation District submitted the GeneralPermit-1, Fish Habitat Enhancement Structure application to the Northeast Office of theDepartment of Environmental Protection for review and approval.The permit was denied, although the original fish habitat plan for Sweet Arrow Lakeapproved in 2011 included stone deflectors. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commissiondesigned and many partners have installed hundreds of sawtooth deflectors inPennsylvania lakes.These sawtooth or stone deflectors are approved and used at lakes all over Pennsylvaniato prevent shore erosion, which according to DEP is not evident at Sweet Arrow Lake.However, DEP’s denial states that these deflectors are not approved for use in lakes.Clearly, this seems to be a case of double standards, especially when stone can be placedon lake banks to prevent erosion. PGC makes changes made in purchase of antlerless licenses When Pennsylvania resident hunters began purchasing hunting licenses this summer theywere able to also purchase their choice of antlerless licenses because of the changes madeby the Pennsylvania Game Commission. At that time antlerless licenses were availablefor only three Wildlife Management Units where demand is highest – WMUs 1B, 2G and3A.Licenses in these WMUs were sold on a first come, first serve basis until the allottednumber of licenses sells out, and only Pennsylvania residents may purchase antlerless licenses initially. Three days after sales opened on a Monday, antlerless licenses for theremaining 19 WMUs went go on sale to residents.Guaranteeing an antlerless license to a resident hunter for any other WMU from June 27to July 8 largely eliminates the need to stand in line, allows demand to be spread out overmore than a week and gives hunters greater flexibility to buy at a time that’s convenientfor them. Even then, there are sure to be plenty of licenses left in most WMUs. PGC tables plan to reintroduce American martens In a split vote the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the board of game commissionerstabled plans to reintroduce American martens into the state by a 6-3 vote. Voting fortabling the plan were commissioners Bob Schwalm, Scott Foradora, Allen Di Marco,Kristen Schnepp-Giger, Stanley Knick and Todd Pride, with commissioners DennisFredericks, Michael Mitrick and Haley Sankey voting for the plan.Schwalm, who represents Schuylkill County, said he still has questions about the merit ofthe plan even after PGC staff developed an American marten reintroduction andmanagement plan for Pennsylvania that outlines a long-term, 10-year strategy totranslocate the species back to the state. This would be followed by long-term monitoringto evaluate the reintroduction and includes strategies on communications, partnerengagement, costs and timelines. Flintlock season celebrates 50th year Pennsylvania remains the only state with a flintlock-only muzzleloader deer season, andthis is the 50 th year. According to Dave Ehrig, one of the people who wrote what becamethe Pennsylvania Game Commission regulations for the flintlock season and currenteditor oft he official National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association magazine “MuzzleBlasts,” the season came into existence without celebration and not a whole lot of interestin 1974 when the first year of this primitive deer hunt was held, being almost anafterthought.Just 65 deer – including four bucks – were taken with flintlock rifles in that inauguralyear of 1974 compared to 3,909 deer – including 1,572 bucks – taken by bowhunters.Back then there were only 30 State Game Lands statewide open to flintlock hunters, sothey were concentrated into specific areas where archery and rifle seasons had reducedthe available number of deer.In 1980 the season was one week, and flintlock stamp sales continued to rise.Pennsylvania was fielding 145,144 flintlock-only deer hunters, who took 8,069 deer–including 490 bucks. Flintlock season was then reduced to four days in 1982, and it wasadded to the end of the December 15-18 antlerless season.The current statewide season began Thursday, Dec 26, and runs through Saturday, Jan.20. (Dietz is a member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association) Contact the writer:
FAIRFAX, Va. , Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GovCIO Media & Research , a leading federal technology media company, opened the Flywheel Award nominations for the 2025 Defense IT Summit. The Flywheel Awards will be presented on February 27, 2025 , in Arlington, Virginia , at the Defense IT Summit. The awards will recognize the key accomplishments of federal and defense leaders in transforming and innovating national security technology through the programs they oversee. The entry deadline is December 20 and finalists will be announced on January 6 . "The Flywheel Awards embody what it means to be a transformer in defense IT, and it is our goal to continuously recognize these leaders," said Amy Kluber , Editor-in-Chief. "During the Defense IT Summit, the Awards will recognize the accomplishments made by defense leaders and the programs that they work on that transform and innovate national security technology." The Defense IT Summit Flywheel Award categories include: Rising Star Emerging Tech Innovator Cyber Defender Digital Transformer Data Advocate Nominees must be federal IT employees and submission achievements must be from January 2024 to present. Nominations for the Defense IT Summit Flywheel Awards are open until December 20 . Submit nominations here. Visit the Defense IT Summit event page to view the full event agenda, speaker lineup and register for this must-attend event. Tickets are going fast, register today. About GovCIO Media & Research GovCIO Media & Research, an independent media company, provides insights and analysis on federal IT innovation and is the leading industry solutions resource. Our team utilizes a multi-platform approach to today's most pressing issues through video, podcasts, events, articles and special reports that keep federal IT decision-makers informed on technology's impact on government. Media Contact Emyly Hall Sr. Communications & Marketing Specialist [email protected] SOURCE GovCIO Media & ResearchNone
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Carrier Global Corp. stock underperforms Friday when compared to competitors despite daily gainsWASHINGTON (AP) — Hearing a high-profile culture-war clash, the Supreme Court on Wednesday seemed likely to uphold Tennessee's ban on gender-affirming care for minors . The justices’ decision, not expected for several months, could affect similar laws enacted by another 25 states and a range of other efforts to regulate the lives of transgender people , including which sports competitions they can join and which bathrooms they can use . The case is being weighed by a conservative-dominated court after a presidential election in which Donald Trump and his allies promised to roll back protections for transgender people, showcasing the uneasy intersection between law, politics and individual rights. The Biden administration's top Supreme Court lawyer warned a decision favorable to Tennessee also could be used to justify nationwide restrictions on transgender healthcare for minors. In arguments that lasted more than two hours, five of the six conservative justices voiced varying degrees of skepticism of arguments made by the administration and Chase Strangio, the ACLU lawyer for Tennessee families challenging the ban. Chief Justice John Roberts, who voted in the majority in a 2020 case in favor of transgender rights , questioned whether judges, rather than lawmakers, should be weighing in on a question of regulating medical procedures, an area usually left to the states. ”The Constitution leaves that question to the people’s representatives, rather than to nine people, none of whom is a doctor,” Roberts said in an exchange with Strangio. The court’s three liberal justices seemed firmly on the side of the challengers. But it’s not clear that any of the conservatives will go along. Justice Sonia Sotomayor pushed back against the assertion that the democratic process would be the best way to address objections to the law. She cited a history of laws discriminating against others, noting that transgender people make up less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to studies. There are an estimated 1.3 million adults and 300,000 adolescents aged 13 to 17 who identify as transgender, according the UCLA law school's Williams Institute. “Blacks were a much larger part of the population and it didn’t protect them. It didn’t protect women for whole centuries,” Sotomayor said in an exchange with Tennessee Solicitor General Matt Rice. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said she saw some troubling parallels between arguments made by Tennessee and those advanced by Virginia and rejected by a unanimous court, in the 1967 Loving decision that legalized interracial marriage nationwide. Quoting from the 57-year-old decision, Jackson noted that Virginia argued then that “the scientific evidence is substantially in doubt and, consequently, the court should defer to the wisdom of the state legislature.” Justice Neil Gorsuch, who wrote the majority opinion in 2020, said nothing during the arguments. The arguments produced some riveting moments. Justice Samuel Alito repeatedly pressed Strangio, the first openly transgender lawyer to argue at the nation's highest court, about whether transgender people should be legally designated as a group that’s susceptible to discrimination. Strangio answered that being transgender does fit that legal definition, though he acknowledged under Alito’s questioning there are a small number of people who de-transition. “So it's not an immutable characteristic, is it?” Alito said. Strangio did not retreat from his view, though he said the court did not have to decide the issue to resolve the case in his clients' favor. There were dueling rallies outside the court in the hours before the arguments. Speeches and music filled the air on the sidewalk below the court’s marble steps. Advocates of the ban bore signs like “Champion God’s Design” and “Kids Health Matters,” while the other side proclaimed “Fight like a Mother for Trans Rights” and “Freedom to be Ourselves." Four years ago, the court ruled in favor of Aimee Stephens, who was fired by a Michigan funeral home after she informed its owner that she was a transgender woman. The court held that transgender people, as well as gay and lesbian people, are protected by a landmark federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace. The Biden administration and the families and health care providers who challenged the Tennessee law urged the justices to apply the same sort of analysis that the majority, made up of liberal and conservative justices, embraced in the case four years ago when it found that “sex plays an unmistakable role” in employers' decisions to punish transgender people for traits and behavior they otherwise tolerate. The issue in the Tennessee case is whether the law violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, which requires the government to treat similarly situated people the same. Tennessee's law bans puberty blockers and hormone treatments for transgender minors, but allows the same drugs to be used for other purposes. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, the administration's top Supreme Court lawyer, called the law sex-based line drawing to ban the use of drugs that have been safely prescribed for decades and said the state “decided to completely override the views of the patients, the parents, the doctors.” She contrasted the Tennessee law with one enacted by West Virginia, which set conditions for the health care for transgender minors, but stopped short of an outright ban. Rice countered that lawmakers acted to regulate “risky, unproven medical interventions” and, at one point, likened the use of puberty blockers and hormone treatments to lobotomies and eugenics, now thoroughly discredited but once endorsed by large segments of the medical community. Rice argued that the Tennessee law doesn’t discriminate based on sex, but rather based on the purpose of the treatment. Children can get puberty blockers to treat early onset puberty, but not a treatment for gender dysphoria. “Our fundamental point is there is no sex-based line here,” Rice said. While the challengers invoked the 2020 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County for support, Tennessee relied on the court's precedent-shattering Dobbs decision in 2022 that ended nationwide protections for abortion and returned the issue to the states. The two sides battled in their legal filings over the appropriate level of scrutiny the court should apply. It's more than an academic exercise. The lowest level is known as rational basis review and almost every law looked at that way is ultimately upheld. Indeed, the federal appeals court in Cincinnati that allowed the Tennessee law to be enforced held that lawmakers acted rationally to regulate medical procedures, well within their authority. The appeals court reversed a trial court that employed a higher level of review, heightened scrutiny, that applies in cases of sex discrimination. Under this more searching examination, the state must identify an important objective and show that the law helps accomplish it. If the justices opt for heightened scrutiny, they could return the case to the appeals court to apply it. That's the course Prelogar and Strangio pushed for on Wednesday, though there did not seem to be much support for it. Gender-affirming care for youth is supported by every major medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association. But Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh all highlighted a point made by Tennessee in its legal briefs claiming that health authorities in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the United Kingdom found that the medical treatments "pose significant risks with unproven benefits.” If those countries “are pumping the brakes on this kind of treatment," Kavanaugh said, why should the Supreme Court question Tennessee's actions. None of those countries has adopted a ban similar to the one in Tennessee and individuals can still obtain treatment, Prelogar said. Kavanaugh, who has coached his daughters’ youth basketball teams, also wondered whether a ruling against Tennessee would give transgender athletes "a constitutional right to participate in girls' sports.” Prelogar said a narrow decision would not affect the sports issue. Associated Press writers Lindsay Whitehurst, Andrew DeMillo in Little Rock, Arkansas, Geoff Mulvihill in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and Kimberlee Kruesi in Nashville, Tennessee contributed to this report.
New Delhi [India], December 28 (ANI): The Haryana Cabinet met under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini in Chandigarh on Saturday. The Cabinet approved the proposal of the Finance Department to amend the Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, and the Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008. As per the amendment, the Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, will be called the Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Amendment Rules, 2024. These rules shall be deemed to have come into force from September 1, 2009. Also Read | IndiGo Mumbai-Istanbul Flight 6E17 Cancelled Due To Technical Glitch, Airline Provides Alternative Aircraft to Stranded Passengers. Similarly, the Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008, will be called the Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Amendment Rules, 2024, and these will also be deemed to have come into force from September 1, 2009. The amendments apply to engineering posts in three key engineering wings of the state: PWD (B&R), Irrigation and Water Resources, and the Public Health Engineering Department. Following the amendment, there will be no need to re-fix the pay of any employee. Also Read | Dr Manmohan Singh's Cremation at Nigambodh Ghat: Govt Allocated Space for Former PM's Memorial, Congress Playing 'Cheap Politics', Says BJP Chief JP Nadda. During the cabinet meeting, CM Nayab Singh Saini announced several key decisions aimed at supporting the public and strengthening governance in the state. A total of 30 out of 31 agendas were approved during the meeting, marking a productive session. One of the major decisions taken was an increase in the financial support for the families of Army and CRPF personnel who died in the line of duty. The amount has been raised from Rs 50 lakh to Rs 1 crore, reflecting the state's commitment to honouring the sacrifices made by its citizens in service to the nation. Speaking at a press conference, Nayab Singh Saini said, "It has been decided to increase the ex-gratia amount for the families of Army and CRPF personnel who make the supreme sacrifice, from Rs 50 lakh to Rs 1 crore. It was also decided to increase the monthly pension of Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 for the Matribhasha Satyagrahi of 1957." (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)
NoneBREAKING NEWS Conor McGregor issues shock 120-word statement vowing to appeal his sex assault courtroom defeat but admitting 'mistakes' and 'regrets': Shamed MMA star addresses cheating on 'the woman I love most in the world' By KATHERINE LAWTON Published: 23:15, 25 November 2024 | Updated: 23:34, 25 November 2024 e-mail 6 View comments Conor McGregor has issued a fresh statement vowing to appeal his civil sexual assault case defeat but admitted he has made 'mistakes'. The 36-year-old UFC star is fighting to salvage his reputation after he lost a civil case brought by Nikita Hand, 35, who won almost €250,000 (£210,000) in damages on Friday after accusing him of rape. McGregor has been known to post and delete furious rants about his victim , recently uploading and removing an angry tirade against Ms Hand just yesterday. Tonight, he has again vowed to appeal the High Court's decision but expressed his 'regret' over 'mistakes' made. Writing on X, formerly Twitter , he said: 'People want to hear from me, I needed time. I know I made mistakes. 'Six years ago, I should have never responded to her outreaches. I should have shut the party down. I should never have stepped out on the woman I love the most in the world. That's all on me. 'As much as I regret it, everything that happened that night was consensual and all the witnesses present swore to that under oath. I have instructed my legal team to appeal the decision.' He added: 'I can't go back and I will move forward. I am beyond grateful to my family, friends and supporters all over the world who have stayed by my side. That's it. No more. Getting back to the gym- the fight game awaits!' Conor McGregor has issued a fresh statement vowing to appeal his civil sexual assault case defeat but admitted he has made 'mistakes' McGregor, pictured with his partner of 15 years Dee Devlin, outside the High Court in Dublin McGregor and his partner leave the High Court after the case against him Nikita Hand (pictured outside court) who successfully sued Mr McGregor for rape In a now-deleted post made yesterday, McGregor quickly blasted the verdict and vowed to appeal, highlighting that he was awaiting to be 'vindicated' like his friend was. Addressing the 'heinous accusation' he said: 'Two men falsely accused. One vindicated, the other soon to be! 'Congrats James Lawrence on absolute exoneration! Twice this heinous accusation was put to you and twice it was shown as FALSE! LIES! 'It is absolutely disgraceful what they put you through here. Disgraceful! 'I look forward to seeing you further vindicate yourself and lambast those responsible in court! 'We know what happened that night! Everyone present knows, yet it was ignored. 'Every single statement of persons present on the night was ignored. And they all disputed Nikita's LIES! 'However James they did believe you but just in certain parts for some strange reason. And they apparently did not believe Danielle Kealy at all. Laughable!' The controversial Irishman may also face further battles because at least four women have made similar allegations over the past five years - and may now feel empowered to sue him despite police and prosecutors rejecting their cases. Ms Hand said outside court on Friday: 'To all the victims of sexual assault. I hope my story is a reminder that no matter how afraid you might be, speak up, you have a voice, and keep on fighting for justice.' She convinced a jury in Dublin that McGregor was lying when he denied he had 'brutally raped' and 'battered' her in a hotel penthouse during a drink and cocaine-fuelled Christmas 'after party' in 2018. She gave harrowing evidence describing how she was choked and 'kept thinking I would die'. Six years later she was vindicated in court in a case that heard her partner was stabbed when masked men invaded their home earlier this year. McGregor, pictured with his partner of 15 years Dee Devlin Footage showed Conor McGregor's sexual assault accuser sitting with the MMA fighter at a Miami club table in the minutes after she claims he molested her in a bathroom last year An Irish woman claimed a 'possessed' McGregor attacked her on his yacht during a party in Spain, forcing her to jump into the water to escape, according to reports in 2023. Pictured: McGregor is seen on his yacht in Ibiza in July 2022 In 2020 he was detained over an alleged sex attack in this Corsica bar French gendarmes appeared on a quay to arrest McGregor (at the right wearing a baseball cap) on the French island of Corsica over an alleged sexual assault attempt. The case was later dropped McGregor has been accused of sex attacks on at least four other occasions, all of which were dismissed police, most recently in Miami last year at the NBA Finals. In every case case he has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and on at least one occasion sources close to him said allegations of sexual assault were mendacious and money-related. The case was brought by Ms Hand after Ireland's director of public prosecutions decided in 2020 not to bring criminal charges against McGregor and his friend James Lawrence due to a lack of evidence and no reasonable prospect of conviction. After deliberating for six hours and 10 minutes, the jury in the civil case she brought returned with their verdicts in the civil trial against Conor McGregor last week. Mr McGregor shook his head as the jury of eight women and four men returned with their verdict. Claims of sexual assault against Conor McGregor December 2018: Claim of sexual assault and rape in a Dublin hotel by Nikita Hand Outcome: No criminal case. McGregor lost civil claim in 2024 October 2019: Woman in 20s claims she was sexually assaulted by him in vehicle outside pub in Dublin Outcome: No criminal case. No civil claim. September 2020: McGregor is detained in Corsica for alleged indecent exposure and sexual assault Outcome: Criminal case dropped. No civil claim July 2022: Samantha Murphy accuses him of sexual assault on yacht in Ibiza Outcome: No criminal case. Civil claim dropped in 2023 July 2023: McGregor is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in bathroom at the Kaseya Center in Miami during NBA final Outcome: No criminal case. No civil claim. Advertisement Responding to media reporting of Ms Hand's comments outside the court on Friday when she declared 'justice has been served', McGregor wrote on X: 'Justice was served for James Lawrence, yes!' in reference to his co-accused, who was cleared of assault. Nikita Hand, vicious liar! APPEAL!' In another post, he wrote: 'Falsely accused a man of rape and lost.' His own legal costs are understood to be around €300,000 and he will likely have to cover a large chunk of Ms Hand's costs, likely to be in the region of €500,000. These would be paid by him on top of the almost €250,000 (£210,000) he must pay her in damages. On Monday, game developer IO Interactive revealed they will no longer be working with McGregor, whose voice featured as The Disruptor in the game Hitman . The company stated: 'In light of the recent court ruling regarding Conor McGregor, IO Interactive has made the decision to cease its collaboration with the athlete, effective immediately. 'We take this matter very seriously and cannot ignore its implications. Consequently, we will begin removing all content featuring Mr McGregor from our storefronts starting today.' Almost a year after the hotel incident, McGregor was accused of another sex attack. In October 2019, police received another complaint against him from a woman who said he had sexually assaulted her in a car outside a Dublin pub. The UFC fighter denied the claim and prosecutors did not pursue any action over the complaint. In September 2020, McGregor was detained and questioned by authorities on the French island of Corsica for alleged indecent exposure and sexual assault in a bar. He spent two days in custody. Eight months later, police and prosecutors declared a lack of sufficient evidence to justify a criminal prosecution. The investigation is said to have included DNA collection that corroborated his version of events. In July 2022 an Irish woman claimed McGregor attacked her on his yacht during a party in Spain , forcing her to jump into the water to escape. The woman is understood to have claimed the UFC star kicked her in the stomach, punched her in the face and left her bruised during celebrations in Ibiza for his 34th birthday in July, describing him as 'possessed'. Asked whether McGregor was under investigation, a spokesman for the investigating magistrate said: 'I can confirm a court in Ibiza is investigating an Irish national for an alleged crime of wounding.' McGregor, his mother Margaret and partner Dee Devlin outside the High Court in Dublin In 2022 Samantha Murphy claimed she was attacked by the fighter off Ibiza and jumped off his boat (pictured in St Tropez) to escape Karen Kessler, a spokesperson for McGregor, told MailOnline at the time: 'Mr. McGregor is steadfast in his denial of all the accusations made by a guest on his boat.' The local newspaper Periodico de Ibiza wrote: 'According to her complaint, the mixed martial arts star became violent by surprise. 'After beginning to criticise the victim, the trigger for the attack was according to her that she tried to get a friend who was on board the yacht to help her.' Read More Khabib Nurmagomedov's 2019 tweet accusing Conor McGregor of being a 'r*****' resurfaces Appearing to quote apparent extracts from the complaint, the paper said: 'His behaviour changed at that moment and he became very aggressive. 'It was as if he was possessed,' Periodico de Ibiza reported she claimed in her statement. 'I knew I had to leave the boat because I thought he was going to kill me. 'We have common friends and I have met him on a number of occasions. I can't believe what he did to me. I think he would have killed me if I hadn't left the yacht.' Periodico de Ibiza also claimed that in her statement to the Gardai a few days after she returned to Ireland at the end of July last year, she attributed her initial unwillingness to press charges in Spain to a state of shock when she was helped ashore by rescuers after she apparently jumped into the sea to escape. It said she had complained she was wearing just her bikini when she went into the water. She said she had no money or phone and just wanted to get back to her hotel as soon as possible, the newspaper added. It reported that she claimed in her Irish police statement: 'They left me stranded. They wouldn't even abandon a dog the way they did me.' Samantha Murphy revealed she was the woman and later launched a civil case against McGregor after the alleged incident last summer. The former UFC champion has faced a range of other legal claims in recent years, during which he has left and returned to the sport a number of times. Pictured: McGregor celebrates after defeating Donald Cerrone in a welterweight bout during UFC246 at T-Mobile Arena on January 18, 2020 in Las Vegas Ms Murphy claims she suffered a broken arm after she was forced to jump from McGregor's yacht while it was anchored off the coast of the Spanish island of Formentara. After making her formal statement, the woman's car was set ablaze outside of her Dublin home. In February 2023, a brick was reportedly thrown through a window of that residence. In the same month it emerged that her civil claim was discontinued - but it is not clear if it was settled or thrown out. In June 2023 the MMA fighter, who at the time was expecting his fourth child with his fiancée, was accused of forcing the unnamed accuser to perform a sex act on him in the VIP men's bathroom at Game 4 of the NBA Finals in Miami. A video obtained by TMZ showed him leading her into the men's bathroom where she claims she was assaulted. He appeared to lead her by the hand into the bathroom, before the door is closed behind them. McGregor's entourage of security guards is then shown blocking the entrance to the door. His attorneys say the footage undermined the woman's original allegation that he and his security guards forced her into the restroom. McGregor denied the allegations. A source close to McGregor said at the time that he would cooperate fully with the investigation, but added the woman's claims are false and that she is only interested in the star's money. On October 18 2023, the case was dropped. It now remains to be seen if any of these women might also be willing to launch a new civil claim against him. UFC Fighting Spain Conor Mcgregor Share or comment on this article: Conor McGregor issues shock 120-word statement vowing to appeal his sex assault courtroom defeat but admitting 'mistakes' and 'regrets': Shamed MMA star addresses cheating on 'the woman I love most in the world' e-mail Add comment
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