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The Green Party is set to suffer significant losses in the Irish General Election, with its leader expecting just a handful of parliamentarians to be returned. Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman said the party could not buck the trend in Ireland of junior coalition partners in Fine Gael and Fianna Fail governments losing support in subsequent elections. He said they expected to retain two to three seats out of the 12 they had won in the 2020 election on the back of a worldwide “Green wave”. “Undoubtedly it’s a disappointing result for our party today,” Mr O’Gorman told reporters in Ongar, Dublin. “It’s hard for a smaller party in government, that’s long been the tradition, the history in Ireland. We hoped going into the election to buck that but we haven’t been able to buck that today.” Mr O’Gorman, a candidate in Dublin West, is among the outgoing Green Party TDs in a battle to retain their seats. Culture Minister Catherine Martin, who is fighting to remain a Green Party TD for Dublin Rathdown, said it was a “very tight” race in her four-seat constituency. “We go in (to government) not afraid of that because the issue of the climate and biodiversity crisis is (greater) than our survival,” she said on RTE Radio. “I stand over and am proud of our track record of delivery.” Green candidate in Waterford Marc O Cathasaigh said he would not be “in the shake-up” to retain his seat in that constituency, while junior minister Ossian Smyth looks at risk of losing his seat in Dun Laoghaire. Junior minister Joe O’Brien is expected to lose his seat in Dublin Fingal, Neasa Hourigan is at risk in Dublin Central, while Wicklow’s Steven Matthews garnered just 4% of first preferences. Former Green Party leader Eamon Ryan, who announced his retirement from frontline politics in June, said his party had not had a good day. Arriving at the count centre at the RDS in Dublin, the outgoing environment minister told reporters: “If you don’t get elected you accept that, but you come back stronger and you learn lessons, and we’ve done that in the past and we will do that again.” He added: “No matter what the results today there will be a strong Green Party in Ireland, we have deep roots in the community and it’s a very distinct political philosophy and I think there is still space for that in Irish politics, for sure.” Mr Ryan said he did not believe his decision to retire, and the timing of his announcement, had affected the party’s showing. “Unfortunately – and this is just one of those days – we didn’t get the number of votes,” he said. He added: “We’ll look back and see what are the lessons, and what can we learn and what can we do differently. “It’s just one of those days when we didn’t have a good day.Video: Orca family makes 'grocery shopping' trip near downtown Vancouver
NEW YORK (AP) — Sneaking a little ahead of line to get on that plane faster? American Airlines . In an apparent effort to reduce the headaches caused by airport line cutting, has rolled out boarding technology that alerts gate agents with an audible sound if a passenger tries to scan a ticket ahead of their assigned group. This new software won’t accept a boarding pass before the group it’s assigned to is called, so customers who get to the gate prematurely will be asked to go back and wait their turn. As of Wednesday, the airline announced, the technology is now being used in more than 100 U.S. airports that American flies out of. The official expansion arrives after successful — Albuquerque International Sunport, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and Tucson International Airport. The initial response from customers and American employees “has exceeded our expectations,” Julie Rath, American’s senior vice president of airport operations, reservations and service recovery, said in a statement. She added that the airline is “thrilled” to have the technology up and running ahead of the . American got lots of attention when it unveiled its gate-control testing last month. Analysts say that isn’t surprising. It’s no secret that line cutting in airports hits a nerve. Whether intentional or not, just about every air traveler has witnessed it, noted Henry Harteveldt, an airline industry analyst with Atmosphere Research Group. It can add to frustrations in what can already be a tense environment, with particular anxiety around passengers wanting to sit together or rushing for some overhead bin space. Harteveldt doesn’t see American’s recent move as “shaming” customers who cut the line. “What it is intended to do is bring order out of chaos,” he said. “And I hope it will defuse any potential flare ups of anger (from) people who simply think they’re entitled to board out of turn .... It’s just not fair.” Harteveldt added that he thinks this change will enhance the experiences of both customers and gate agents. Others say more time will tell. Seth Miller, editor and founder of air travel experience analysis site, said he can see the benefits of more orderly and universal gate-control enforcement, particularly for airlines. But he said he isn’t “100% convinced this is perfect for passengers” just yet. Families, for example, might be booked on several different reservations across more than one group, he said. Airlines typically have workarounds for that, and American noted Wednesday that customers traveling with a companion in an earlier group can simply have a gate agent “override the alert” to continue boarding. Still, Miller said, “you have to go through the extra hoops.” And a difficult customer still might choose to hold up the line and argue when they’re not allowed to board, he added. Another question is whether customers who encounter a beep will walk away feeling embarrassed. But Harteveldt said he was happy to learn that American’s alert is “not a bellowing sound that can be heard throughout the terminal,” or accompanied by your name read over a loudspeaker, noting that this is important to avoid feelings of shame. Expanding this technology just a week before peak Thanksgiving travel could be “both good and bad,” Harteveldt adds. On one hand, the tech could help significantly improve the boarding process during such a busy time, he said, but airport employees might also have appreciated more time to prepare. Both Miller and Harteveldt said they wouldn’t be surprised if other carriers soon follow American’s lead. Headaches over airport line cutting are far from new. While maybe not to the extent of American’s new tech, Miller noted he’s seen gate agents from other airlines ask people to leave a line and wait for their group. Harteveldt added that he’s been to some airports in Asia and Europe with “sliding doors” that ensure passengers are in the right group before boarding a plane. The more than 100 airports that American is now using its gate-control technology in are all spoke, or non-hub, locations — including Austin-Bergstrom International Airport and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The airline says it expects to further expand to its hubs and other airports in the coming months.National Day represents launch of modern Qatari state by its founder
Best glimpse ever into icy planetesimals of the early solar system December 19, 2024 University of Central Florida New studies offer a clearer picture of how the outer solar system formed and evolved based on analyses of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and centaurs. The findings reveal the distribution of ices in the early solar system and how TNOs evolve when they travel inward into the region of the giant planets between Jupiter and Saturn, becoming centaurs. TNOs are small bodies, or 'planetesimals,' orbiting the sun beyond Pluto. They never accreted into planets, and serve as pristine time capsules, preserving crucial evidence of the molecular processes and planetary migrations that shaped the solar system billions of years ago. These solar system objects are like icy asteroids and have orbits comparable to or larger than Neptune's orbit. Prior to the new UCF-led study, TNOs were known to be a diverse population based on their orbital properties and surface colors, but the molecular composition of these objects remained poorly understood. For decades, this lack of detailed knowledge hindered interpretation of their color and dynamical diversity. Now, the new results unlock the long-standing question of the interpretation of color diversity by providing compositional information. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIN Email New studies led by researchers at the University of Central Florida offer for the first time a clearer picture of how the outer solar system formed and evolved based on analyses of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and centaurs. The findings, published today in Nature Astronomy, reveal the distribution of ices in the early solar system and how TNOs evolve when they travel inward into the region of the giant planets between Jupiter and Saturn, becoming centaurs. TNOs are small bodies, or 'planetesimals,' orbiting the sun beyond Pluto. They never accreted into planets, and serve as pristine time capsules, preserving crucial evidence of the molecular processes and planetary migrations that shaped the solar system billions of years ago. These solar system objects are like icy asteroids and have orbits comparable to or larger than Neptune's orbit. Prior to the new UCF-led study, TNOs were known to be a diverse population based on their orbital properties and surface colors, but the molecular composition of these objects remained poorly understood. For decades, this lack of detailed knowledge hindered interpretation of their color and dynamical diversity. Now, the new results unlock the long-standing question of the interpretation of color diversity by providing compositional information. "With this new research, a more-complete picture of the diversity is presented and the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together," says Noemí Pinilla-Alonso, the study's lead author. "For the very first time, we have identified the specific molecules responsible for the remarkable diversity of spectra, colors and albedo observed in trans-Neptunian objects," Pinilla-Alonso says. "These molecules -- like water ice, carbon dioxide, methanol and complex organics -- give us a direct connection between the spectral features of TNOs and their chemical compositions." Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the researchers found that TNOs can be categorized into three distinct compositional groups, shaped by ice retention lines that existed in the era when the solar system formed billions of years ago. These lines are identified as regions where temperatures were cold enough for specific ices to form and survive within the protoplanetary disk. These regions, defined by their distance from the sun, mark key points in the early solar system's temperature gradient and offer a direct link between the formation conditions of planetesimals and their present-day compositions. Rosario Brunetto, the paper's second author and a Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique researcher at the Institute d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Université Paris-Saclay), says the results are the first clear connection between formation of planetesimals in the protoplanetary disk and their later evolution. The work sheds light on how today's observed spectral and dynamical distributions emerged in a planetary system that's shaped by complex dynamical evolution, he says. "The compositional groups of TNOs are not evenly distributed among objects with similar orbits," Brunetto says. "For instance, cold classicals, which formed in the outermost regions of the protoplanetary disk, belong exclusively to a class dominated by methanol and complex organics. In contrast, TNOs on orbits linked to the Oort cloud, which originated closer to the giant planets, are all part of the spectral group characterized by water ice and silicates." Brittany Harvison, a UCF physics doctoral student who worked on the project while studying under Pinilla-Alonso, says the three groups defined by their surface compositions exhibit qualities hinting at the protoplanetary disk's compositional structure. "This supports our understanding of the available material that helped form outer solar system bodies such as the gas giants and their moons or Pluto and the other inhabitants of the trans-Neptunian region," she says. In a complementary study of centaurs published in the same volume of Nature Astronomy , the researchers found unique spectral signatures, different from TNOs, that reveal the presence of dusty regolith mantles on their surfaces. This finding about centaurs, which are TNOs that have shifted their orbits into the region of the giant planets after a close gravitational encounter with Neptune, helps illuminate how TNOs become centaurs as they warm up when getting closer to the sun and sometimes develop comet-like tails. Their work revealed that all observed centaur surfaces showed special characteristics when compared with the surfaces of TNOs, suggesting modifications occurred as a consequence of their journey into the inner solar system. Among the three classes of TNO surface types, two -- Bowl and Cliff -- were observed in the centaur population, both of which are poor in volatile ices, Pinilla-Alonso says. However, in centaurs, these surfaces show a distinguishing feature: they are covered by a layer of dusty regolith intermixed with the ice, she says. "Intriguingly, we identify a new surface class, nonexistent among TNOs, resembling ice poor surfaces in the inner solar system, cometary nuclei and active asteroids," she says. Javier Licandro, senior researcher at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC, Tenerife, Spain) and lead author of the centaur's work says the spectral diversity observed in centaurs is broader than expected, suggesting that existing models of their thermal and chemical evolution may need refinement. For instance, the variety of organic signatures and the degree of irradiation effects observed were not fully anticipated, Licandro says. "The diversity detected in the centaurs populations in terms of water, dust, and complex organics suggests varied origins in the TNO population and different evolutionary stages, highlighting that centaurs are not a homogenous group but rather dynamic and transitional objects" Licandro says. "The effects of thermal evolution observed in the surface composition of centaurs are key to establishing the relationship between TNOs and other small bodies populations, such as the irregular satellites of the giant planets and their Trojan asteroids." Study co-author Charles Schambeau, a planetary scientist with UCF's Florida Space Institute (FSI) who specializes in studying centaurs and comets, emphasized the importance of the observations and that some centaurs can be classified into the same categories as the DiSCo-observed TNOs. "This is pretty profound because when a TNO transitions into a centaur, it experiences a warmer environment where surface ices and materials are changed," Schambeau says. "Apparently, though, in some cases the surface changes are minimal, allowing individual centaurs to be linked to their parent TNO population. The TNO versus centaur spectral types are different, but similar enough to be linked." How the Research Was Performed The studies are part of the Discovering the Surface Composition of the trans-Neptunian Objects, (DiSCo) project, led by Pinilla-Alonso, to uncover the molecular composition of TNOs. Pinilla-Alonso is now a distinguished professor with the Institute of Space Science and Technology in Asturias at the Universidad de Oviedo and performed the work as a planetary scientist with FSI. For the studies, the researchers used the JWST, launched almost three years ago, that provided unprecedented views of the molecular diversity of the surfaces of the TNOs and centaurs through near-infrared observations, overcoming the limitations of terrestrial observations and other available instruments. For the TNOs study, the researchers measured the spectra of 54 TNOs using the JWST, capturing detailed light patterns of these objects. By analyzing these high-sensitivity spectra, the researchers could identify specific molecules on their surface. Using clustering techniques, the TNOs were categorized into three distinct groups based on their surface compositions. The groups were nicknamed "Bowl," "Double-dip" and "Cliff" due to the shapes of their light absorption patterns. They found that: For the centaurs study, the researchers observed and analyzed the reflectance spectra of five centaurs (52872 Okyrhoe, 3253226 Thereus, 136204, 250112 and 310071). This allowed them to identify the surface compositions of the centaurs, revealing considerable diversity among the observed sample. They found that Thereus and 2003 WL7 belong to the Bowl-type, while 2002 KY14 belongs to the Cliff-type. The remaining two centaurs, Okyrhoe and 2010 KR59, did not fit into any existing spectral classes and were categorized as "Shallow-type" due to their unique spectra. This newly defined group is characterized by a high concentration of primitive, comet-like dust and little to no volatile ices. Previous Research and Next Steps Pinilla-Alonso says that previous DiSCo research revealed the presence of carbon oxides widespread on the surfaces of TNOs, which was a significant discovery. "Now, we build on that finding by offering a more comprehensive understanding of TNO surfaces" she says. "One of the big realizations is that water ice, previously thought to be the most abundant surface ice, is not as prevalent as we once assumed. Instead, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) -- a gas at Earth's temperature -- and other carbon oxides, such as the super volatile carbon monoxide (CO), are found in a larger number of bodies." The new study's findings are only the beginning, Harvison says. "Now that we have general information about the identified compositional groups, we have much more to explore and discover," she says. "As a community, we can start exploring the specifics of what produced the groups as we see them today." The research was supported by NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute. Story Source: Materials provided by University of Central Florida . Original written by Robert Wells. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Journal Reference : Cite This Page :Canadian freestyle ski star Mikael Kingsbury seeks to extend record
None'The View' co-host Joy Behar lamented that the U.S. has gone from trusting broadcast news host Walter Cronkite in the past to podcaster Joe Rogan today. Podcast host Joe Rogan mocked "The View" by changing his description on social media after they claimed he believes in dragons. "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg opened a segment on Thursday by discussing a recent poll showing many young Americans get their news from social media influencers who skew towards the political-right. Co-host Sara Haines responded with a "PSA" urging viewers to be skeptical, particularly in this era of misinformation and AI, and that "when you see something that really pisses you off, you should triple-check that one." "I think that’s why people like our show," co-host Joy Behar replied. "Because they know that we are checked by ABC News." "The View" co-host Joy Behar lamented that modern young people listen to podcasters like Joe Rogan. VANCE TELLS ROGAN HE INITIALLY THOUGHT TRUMP HAD BEEN KILLED IN JULY ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: 'I WAS SO PISSED' "We’re checked by everybody," Goldberg agreed. "Yeah. If we’re wrong, we have, you know, the legal note here," Behar added, referring to co-host Sunny Hostin’s legal background. Behar went on to lament that as a country, "we went from Walter Cronkite, basically, to this guy Joe Rogan who believes in dragons. I checked it." "Did you triple source that?" Haines asked. "Yes I did," Behar responded. "And he also thinks that they— dragons-like, I guess, dinosaur-y type of animals — roamed the Earth when people did. So this is a type of really, really bad information that’s going out there. But it’s possible Donald Trump did roam the Earth when dinosaurs were here." The podcaster responded by sharing a clip of the conversation and wrote, "That’s my new official X description." His bio/description on the X platform, at the time this article was written, reads, "Dragon Believer." Podcaster Joe Rogan changed his description on X to "Dragon believer" to poke fun at "The View" host Joy Behar. (Getty) JOE ROGAN ENDORSES DONALD TRUMP ON THE EVE OF THE ELECTION Rogan, who talks with a wide variety of guests about hot-button issues and esoteric theories, has talked about dragons on his podcast numerous times. Noting that stories about dragons are something found in multiple cultures around the world, he has spoken with some guests about whether they were based on some large, reptilian creature or a late-surviving pterodactyl that didn’t necessarily breathe fire like the dragons of myth. In one episode, Rogan recalled when a past guest, adventurer Forrest Galante, mentioned a theory that the creature dragons were based on had hollow bones like modern birds do, and therefore "if there were lizards big enough to fly around and eat people, they didn’t have bones that could fossilize." "It’s so possible that something that flew like a pterodactyl, like we think of pterodactyls as being like bat wings, maybe they had feathers, maybe that was a gigant [sic] predatory bird and maybe some of those things looked like dragons," he said to a later guest, later adding, "Think of all these different cultures, ancient, medieval Europe, China, Japan, all of them had dragons, there’s so many dragons, it might have been a real thing, and I think most of them didn’t have dragons that could spit fire either, I think that was like Hollywood movie Godzilla type deal." Alexander Hall is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to
ORLANDO, Fla. — UCF coach Gus Malzahn is resigning after four seasons with the school. ESPN’s Pete Thamel was the first to report the move, which will see Malzahn to leave to take the offensive coordinator job at Florida State. Malzahn previously worked with FSU coach Mike Norvell during their time at Tulsa under then-coach Todd Graham from 2007-08. The Knights ended a disappointing 4-8 season in which they lost eight of their last nine games, the longest losing streak since 2015. Malzahn, 59, was in the fourth year of a contract through 2028. His buyout, it is reported, would have been $13.75 million. He finished 27-25 at UCF but lost 16 of his last 22 games and was a dismal 4-14 in two seasons in the Big 12. After back-to-back nine-win seasons in 2021-22, the Knights went 6-7 in 2023 and 4-8 in 2024. This season started with high expectations as Malzahn made sweeping changes to the program. He retooled the strength and conditioning department and hired Ted Roof and Tim Harris Jr. as defensive and offensive coordinators, respectively. He also added nearly 50 new players to the roster, leaning heavily on the transfer market. UCF started by winning its first three games against New Hampshire, Sam Houston and a thrilling comeback at TCU, but offensive struggles saw the Knights tumble through a TBD-game losing streak to finish the season. Terry Mohajir hired Malzahn on Feb. 15, 2021, six days after he was hired to replace Danny White. The move came eight weeks after Malzahn had been fired at Auburn after eight seasons of coaching the Tigers. The two briefly worked together at Arkansas State in 2012 before Malzahn left for the Auburn job. “When he [Mohajir] offered the job, I was like, ‘I’m in.’ There wasn’t thinking about or talking about ...,” Malzahn said during his introductory press conference. “This will be one of the best programs in college football in a short time. This is a job that I plan on being here and building it.” UCF opened the 2021 season with non-conference wins over Boise State and Bethune-Cookman before traveling to Louisville on Sept. 17, where quarterback Dillon Gabriel suffered a fractured collarbone in the final minute of a 42-35 loss. Backup Mikey Keene would finish out the season as Gabriel announced his intention to transfer. The Knights would finish the season on the plus side by accepting a bid to join the Big 12 Conference in September and then by defeating Florida 29-17 in the Gasparilla Bowl. Malzahn struck transfer portal gold in the offseason when he signed former Ole Miss quarterback John Rhys Plumlee. Plumlee, a two-sport star with the Rebels, helped guide UCF to the American Athletic Conference Championship in its final season. However, Plumlee’s injury forced the Knights to go with Keene and freshman Thomas Castellanos. The team finished with losses to Tulane in the conference championship and Duke in the Military Bowl. Plumlee would return in 2023 as UCF transitioned to the Big 12 but would go down with a knee injury in the final minute of the Knights’ 18-16 win at Boise State on Sept. 9. He would miss the next four games as backup Timmy McClain took over the team. Even on his return, Plumlee couldn’t help UCF, on a five-game losing streak to open conference play. The Knights got their first Big 12 win at Cincinnati on Nov. 4 and upset No. 15 Oklahoma State the following week, but the team still needed a win over Houston in the regular-season finale to secure a bowl bid for the eighth straight season. From the moment Malzahn stepped on campus, he prioritized recruiting, particularly in Central Florida. “We’re going to recruit like our hair’s on fire,” Malzahn said at the time. “We’re going to go after the best players in America and we’re not backing down to anybody.” From 2007 to 2020, UCF signed 10 four-star high school and junior college prospects. Eight four-star prospects were in the three recruiting classes signed under Malzahn. The 2024 recruiting class earned a composite ranking of 39 from 247Sports, the highest-ranked class in school history. The 2025 recruiting class is ranked No. 41 and has commitments from three four-star prospects. Malzahn has always leaned on the transfer market, signing 60 players over the past three seasons. Some have paid huge dividends, such as Javon Baker, Lee Hunter, Kobe Hudson, Tylan Grable, Bula Schmidt, Amari Kight, Marcellus Marshall, Trent Whittemore, Gage King, Ethan Barr, Deshawn Pace and Plumlee. Others haven’t been as successful, such as quarterback KJ Jefferson, who started the first five games of this season before being benched for poor performance. Jefferson’s struggles forced the Knights to play musical chairs at quarterback, with true freshman EJ Colson, redshirt sophomore Jacurri Brown and redshirt freshman Dylan Rizk all seeing action at one point or another this season. This season’s struggles led to several players utilizing the NCAA’s redshirt rule after four games, including starting slot receiver Xavier Townsend and kicker Colton Boomer, who have also entered the transfer portal. Defensive end Kaven Call posted a letter to Malzahn on Twitter in which he accused the UCF coaching staff of recently kicking him off the team when he requested to be redshirted. Get local news delivered to your inbox!
ORLANDO, Fla. — UCF coach Gus Malzahn is resigning after four seasons with the school. ESPN’s Pete Thamel was the first to report the move, which will see Malzahn to leave to take the offensive coordinator job at Florida State. Malzahn previously worked with FSU coach Mike Norvell during their time at Tulsa under then-coach Todd Graham from 2007-08. The Knights ended a disappointing 4-8 season in which they lost eight of their last nine games, the longest losing streak since 2015. Malzahn, 59, was in the fourth year of a contract through 2028. His buyout, it is reported, would have been $13.75 million. He finished 27-25 at UCF but lost 16 of his last 22 games and was a dismal 4-14 in two seasons in the Big 12. After back-to-back nine-win seasons in 2021-22, the Knights went 6-7 in 2023 and 4-8 in 2024. This season started with high expectations as Malzahn made sweeping changes to the program. He retooled the strength and conditioning department and hired Ted Roof and Tim Harris Jr. as defensive and offensive coordinators, respectively. He also added nearly 50 new players to the roster, leaning heavily on the transfer market. UCF started by winning its first three games against New Hampshire, Sam Houston and a thrilling comeback at TCU, but offensive struggles saw the Knights tumble through a TBD-game losing streak to finish the season. Terry Mohajir hired Malzahn on Feb. 15, 2021, six days after he was hired to replace Danny White. The move came eight weeks after Malzahn had been fired at Auburn after eight seasons of coaching the Tigers. The two briefly worked together at Arkansas State in 2012 before Malzahn left for the Auburn job. “When he [Mohajir] offered the job, I was like, ‘I’m in.’ There wasn’t thinking about or talking about ...,” Malzahn said during his introductory press conference. “This will be one of the best programs in college football in a short time. This is a job that I plan on being here and building it.” UCF opened the 2021 season with non-conference wins over Boise State and Bethune-Cookman before traveling to Louisville on Sept. 17, where quarterback Dillon Gabriel suffered a fractured collarbone in the final minute of a 42-35 loss. Backup Mikey Keene would finish out the season as Gabriel announced his intention to transfer. The Knights would finish the season on the plus side by accepting a bid to join the Big 12 Conference in September and then by defeating Florida 29-17 in the Gasparilla Bowl. Malzahn struck transfer portal gold in the offseason when he signed former Ole Miss quarterback John Rhys Plumlee. Plumlee, a two-sport star with the Rebels, helped guide UCF to the American Athletic Conference Championship in its final season. However, Plumlee’s injury forced the Knights to go with Keene and freshman Thomas Castellanos. The team finished with losses to Tulane in the conference championship and Duke in the Military Bowl. Plumlee would return in 2023 as UCF transitioned to the Big 12 but would go down with a knee injury in the final minute of the Knights’ 18-16 win at Boise State on Sept. 9. He would miss the next four games as backup Timmy McClain took over the team. Even on his return, Plumlee couldn’t help UCF, on a five-game losing streak to open conference play. The Knights got their first Big 12 win at Cincinnati on Nov. 4 and upset No. 15 Oklahoma State the following week, but the team still needed a win over Houston in the regular-season finale to secure a bowl bid for the eighth straight season. From the moment Malzahn stepped on campus, he prioritized recruiting, particularly in Central Florida. “We’re going to recruit like our hair’s on fire,” Malzahn said at the time. “We’re going to go after the best players in America and we’re not backing down to anybody.” From 2007 to 2020, UCF signed 10 four-star high school and junior college prospects. Eight four-star prospects were in the three recruiting classes signed under Malzahn. The 2024 recruiting class earned a composite ranking of 39 from 247Sports, the highest-ranked class in school history. The 2025 recruiting class is ranked No. 41 and has commitments from three four-star prospects. Malzahn has always leaned on the transfer market, signing 60 players over the past three seasons. Some have paid huge dividends, such as Javon Baker, Lee Hunter, Kobe Hudson, Tylan Grable, Bula Schmidt, Amari Kight, Marcellus Marshall, Trent Whittemore, Gage King, Ethan Barr, Deshawn Pace and Plumlee. Others haven’t been as successful, such as quarterback KJ Jefferson, who started the first five games of this season before being benched for poor performance. Jefferson’s struggles forced the Knights to play musical chairs at quarterback, with true freshman EJ Colson, redshirt sophomore Jacurri Brown and redshirt freshman Dylan Rizk all seeing action at one point or another this season. This season’s struggles led to several players utilizing the NCAA’s redshirt rule after four games, including starting slot receiver Xavier Townsend and kicker Colton Boomer, who have also entered the transfer portal. Defensive end Kaven Call posted a letter to Malzahn on Twitter in which he accused the UCF coaching staff of recently kicking him off the team when he requested to be redshirted. Get local news delivered to your inbox!Donald Trump described his recent meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida as “very productive.” The two leaders discussed a range of critical issues, including fentanyl, illegal immigration, and trade. Trump shared his thoughts on his social media platform, Truth Social, stating that they had addressed several “important topics.” Trudeau, who was in Florida to discuss trade matters, called their conversation “excellent” but declined to answer questions from the press. Trudeau’s visit comes amid rising tensions over Trump’s threat to impose a 25% tariff on Canadian goods once he takes office. Sources confirmed that Trudeau traveled to West Palm Beach, with Canadian media reporting that he arrived at Palm Beach International Airport the evening before. The two leaders had already spoken over the phone earlier in the week, after Trump’s announcement that tariffs could be levied on products from both Mexico and Canada. Focus on the Drug Crisis Much of Trump’s statement following the meeting focused on the escalating drug crisis, which he attributed to fentanyl and drug cartels. He stressed that the United States would no longer remain passive in the face of what he called the “scourge of this Drug Epidemic.” Trump emphasized that fentanyl was mainly coming from China and reaffirmed the importance of addressing the issue with Canada’s cooperation. “Prime Minister Trudeau has made a commitment to work with us to end this terrible devastation,” Trump wrote on his social media platform. Trudeau’s visit to Mar-a-Lago also involved a dinner with Trump, alongside key figures from both countries, including Trump’s nominee for commerce secretary, Howard Lutnick, and Canada’s public safety minister, Dominic LeBlanc. Reports suggest that Trudeau was the first G7 leader to meet with Trump after the election, marking a significant diplomatic step. Trudeau’s trip is viewed as part of Canada’s effort to persuade the incoming Trump administration to reconsider its tariff threat. While analysts speculate whether the tariffs will be imposed, there is widespread concern in Canada, particularly among industry leaders. Trudeau has stated that such tariffs would not only harm Canada but also raise costs for American consumers and hurt the U.S. economy. “When Trump makes statements like that, he plans on carrying them out,” Trudeau noted on Friday, pointing to the need for continued negotiations to avoid economic damage. Canada’s “Team Canada” Approach Trudeau, backed by provincial leaders, is committed to presenting a unified “Team Canada” approach to mitigate the impact of the tariffs. Canadian provinces, including key oil and automotive industries, have voiced concerns about the potential harm from such levies. This visit follows an emergency meeting Trudeau held with provincial leaders to discuss the evolving situation and prepare a collective response. Although the trade and tariff threats dominate the talks, border security remains an important focus. While the number of migrant apprehensions at the US-Canada border is significantly lower than at the southern border, both sides have acknowledged the need for continued cooperation to strengthen border security. With shared supply chains and a close economic relationship, the US-Canada dialogue remains a pivotal area of focus as Trump prepares to take office in January. Read More : Trump’s Return: GOP Plans Aggressive Policy Agenda For First 100 DaysCanadian freestyle skier star Mikael Kingsbury is juggling both moguls and fatherhood. The 32-year-old Olympic and world champion from Deux-Montagnes, Que., opens his World Cup season Saturday in Ruka, Finland, with partner Laurence Mongeon and their infant son Henrik in tow. Henrik was born Aug. 25. "It changes your life, that's for sure," Kingsbury said Tuesday from Ruka in a media conference call. "Get used to waking up in the middle of the night, but at the same time, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. "It brings a beautiful balance to my career." While Kingsbury acknowledges there are great hockey players named Henrik, he says the inspiration for the name was his niece liking a boy named Henrik in her kindergarten class. "I always liked the name anyway," Kingsbury said. "Laurence and I agree it fits his face. "I didn't ski as much this summer because I wanted to be home and I wanted to be present. We're five weeks on the road for the start of this season, so I couldn't see myself doing five weeks without seeing my kid. "I would have missed my family too much, so I brought them on the road for three weeks." Regarded as the most dominant moguls skier of all time, the Canadian achieved another significant milestone last season when he surpassed Swedish alpine skier Ingemar Stenmark for the most all-time World Cup victories by a male athlete in any ski discipline. Kingsbury embarks on his 16th World Cup season with a career 90 victories. He's finished in the medals in 129 of 151 career World Cup starts. But while Kingsbury claimed last season's dual moguls crown, Japan's Ikuma Horishima challenged Kingsbury's reign by claiming his first crystal globe in moguls. "The mindset is still the same. The goals are still the same," Kingsbury said. "Coming into the season, I want to focus on one race at a time. That's how you get to a crystal globe. "The main focus is being consistent, staying healthy to start the season, try to get the momentum of the start and stay healthy until the end of this season. "I usually start strong, and I can finish very strong, and that's how you win crystal globes." Kingsbury won an Olympic moguls gold medal in 2018 and silver in both 2014 and 2022. Dual moguls makes its Olympic debut in 2026 in Milan-Cortina, Italy. Kingsbury has swept both moguls and dual moguls gold medals in three straight world championships. He'll attempt the double a fourth time March 18-21 in Engadin, Switzerland. "Henrik and my family now are my priority and skiing comes second, but I know I can still win," Kingsbury said. "It's going to be different. My family is going to be home and it might be a bit more difficult, but at the same time I see a lot of positive in being a dad. I feel way more relaxed on the mountain." One secret to Kingsbury's success has been his durability. His only major injury hiccup so far was fracturing two vertebrae in his back training in Ruka ahead of the 2020-21 season. Kingsbury sat out the first three World Cups and won the fourth upon return to action. He's closer to the end of his career than the beginning, so quality training, not quantity, is important to him. "As I get older, I cannot do too much, but I've got to do the right amount and make sure I can peak in 2026," he explained. "The challenge is going to be the best dad I can and the best skier I can and try to manage in the middle. It's never going to be perfect, but I'm to do as best as I can and make sure I'm ready in 2026. "I feel fortunate for all the team (members) that I have around me, teammates, and all the coaches and staff that are working with me. They're going to make my life easy when it's going to be difficult." This report by The Canadian Press was first published Nov. 26, 2024. Donna Spencer, The Canadian Press
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Canadian freestyle skier star Mikael Kingsbury is juggling both moguls and fatherhood. The 32-year-old Olympic and world champion from Deux-Montagnes, Que., opens his World Cup season Saturday in Ruka, Finland, with partner Laurence Mongeon and their infant son Henrik in tow. Henrik was born Aug. 25. "It changes your life, that's for sure," Kingsbury said Tuesday from Ruka in a media conference call. "Get used to waking up in the middle of the night, but at the same time, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. "It brings a beautiful balance to my career." While Kingsbury acknowledges there are great hockey players named Henrik, he says the inspiration for the name was his niece liking a boy named Henrik in her kindergarten class. "I always liked the name anyway," Kingsbury said. "Laurence and I agree it fits his face. "I didn't ski as much this summer because I wanted to be home and I wanted to be present. We're five weeks on the road for the start of this season, so I couldn't see myself doing five weeks without seeing my kid. "I would have missed my family too much, so I brought them on the road for three weeks." Regarded as the most dominant moguls skier of all time, the Canadian achieved another significant milestone last season when he surpassed Swedish alpine skier Ingemar Stenmark for the most all-time World Cup victories by a male athlete in any ski discipline. Kingsbury embarks on his 16th World Cup season with a career 90 victories. He's finished in the medals in 129 of 151 career World Cup starts. But while Kingsbury claimed last season's dual moguls crown, Japan's Ikuma Horishima challenged Kingsbury's reign by claiming his first crystal globe in moguls. "The mindset is still the same. The goals are still the same," Kingsbury said. "Coming into the season, I want to focus on one race at a time. That's how you get to a crystal globe. "The main focus is being consistent, staying healthy to start the season, try to get the momentum of the start and stay healthy until the end of this season. "I usually start strong, and I can finish very strong, and that's how you win crystal globes." Kingsbury won an Olympic moguls gold medal in 2018 and silver in both 2014 and 2022. Dual moguls makes its Olympic debut in 2026 in Milan-Cortina, Italy. Kingsbury has swept both moguls and dual moguls gold medals in three straight world championships. He'll attempt the double a fourth time March 18-21 in Engadin, Switzerland. "Henrik and my family now are my priority and skiing comes second, but I know I can still win," Kingsbury said. "It's going to be different. My family is going to be home and it might be a bit more difficult, but at the same time I see a lot of positive in being a dad. I feel way more relaxed on the mountain." One secret to Kingsbury's success has been his durability. His only major injury hiccup so far was fracturing two vertebrae in his back training in Ruka ahead of the 2020-21 season. Kingsbury sat out the first three World Cups and won the fourth upon return to action. He's closer to the end of his career than the beginning, so quality training, not quantity, is important to him. "As I get older, I cannot do too much, but I've got to do the right amount and make sure I can peak in 2026," he explained. "The challenge is going to be the best dad I can and the best skier I can and try to manage in the middle. It's never going to be perfect, but I'm to do as best as I can and make sure I'm ready in 2026. "I feel fortunate for all the team (members) that I have around me, teammates, and all the coaches and staff that are working with me. They're going to make my life easy when it's going to be difficult." This report by The Canadian Press was first published Nov. 26, 2024. Donna Spencer, The Canadian Press
FIUGGI, Italy (AP) — Foreign ministers from the world’s leading industrialized nations expressed cautious optimism Monday about possible progress on a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. The top diplomats met for the final time before a new U.S. administration takes office with wars raging in the Mideast and Ukraine. “Knock on wood,” Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said as he opened the Group of Seven meeting outside Rome. “We are perhaps close to a ceasefire in Lebanon," he said. "Let's hope it's true and that there's no backing down at the last-minute.” A ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon was foremost on the agenda of the G7 meeting in Fiuggi, outside Rome, that gathered ministers from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, in the last G7 encounter of the Biden administration. For the first time, the G7 ministers were joined by their counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, the so-called “Arab Quintet,” as well as the Secretary General of the Arab League. “Everyone favors a ceasefire in both scenarios,” Tajani told reporters, adding that Italy had offered to take on an even greater peacekeeping role in Lebanon to oversee any ceasefire deal. As the ministers arrived in Italy, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., Mike Herzog, told Israeli Army Radio on Monday a ceasefire deal to end fighting between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah could be reached “within days.” Several Arab ministers reiterated calls for a ceasefire in both Lebanon and Gaza during a G7-affiliated conference in Rome. “We need a ceasefire, a permanent ceasefire. That will stop the killings and stop the destruction and restore a sense of normalcy to life,” Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told the conference. Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty, for his part, reaffirmed that Cairo would host a minister-level conference next Monday on mobilizing international aid for Gaza. The so-called “Quintet” has been working with the U.S. to finalize a “day after” plan for Gaza. There is some urgency to make progress before the Trump administration takes over in January. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to pursue a policy that strongly favors Israel over the aspirations of the Palestinians. Tajani added another item to the G7 agenda last week after the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his former defense minister and Hamas’ military chief. Italy is a founding member of the court and hosted the 1998 Rome conference that gave birth to it. But Italy’s right-wing government has been a strong supporter of Israel after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks, while also providing humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza. The Italian government has taken a cautious line, reaffirming its support and respect for the court but expressing concern that the warrants were politically motivated. The United States, Israel's closest ally, has called the warrants “outrageous.” Tajani acknowledged consensus hadn't been reached among the G7 members but hoped for agreement to have a unified position. He noted that all sides need Netanyahu to make any deal. “We can also not agree with how his government has led the reaction after the massacre of Oct. 7, but now we have to deal with Netanyahu to arrive at peace in Lebanon, peace in Palestine,” Tajani said. Nathalie Tocci, director of the Rome-based Institute for International Affairs think tank, warned that inserting the ICC warrant into the G7 agenda was risky, since the U.S. is the lone member that is not a signatory to the court and yet tends to dictate the G7 line. “If Italy and the other (five G7) signatories of the ICC are unable to maintain the line on international law, they will not only erode it anyway but will be acting against our interests,” Tocci wrote in La Stampa daily this weekend, recalling Italy’s recourse to international law in demanding protection for Italian U.N. peacekeepers who have come under fire in southern Lebanon. The other major talking point of the G7 meeting is Ukraine , and tensions have only heightened since Russia attacked Ukraine last week with an experimental, hypersonic ballistic missile that escalated the nearly 33-month-old war. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the strike was retaliation for Kyiv’s use of U.S. and British longer-range missiles capable of striking deeper into Russian territory. The G7 has been at the forefront of providing military and economic support for Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022 and G7 members are particularly concerned about how a Trump administration will change the U.S. approach. Trump has criticized the billions of dollars that the Biden administration has poured into Ukraine and has said he could end the war in 24 hours, comments that appear to suggest he would press Ukraine to surrender territory that Russia now occupies. “It’s hugely important that this G7, that all colleagues across the G7 continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it lasts,” British Foreign Secretary David Lammy said as he arrived. He announced new sanctions on vessels of Russia's “shadow fleet” of ships that are evading sanctions to export Russian oil. “And we are confident that Ukraine can have the funds and the military equipment and kit to get through 2025,” Lammy said. The G7 foreign ministers’ meeting, the second of the Italian presidency after ministers gathered in Capri in April , is being held in the medieval town of Fiuggi southeast of Rome, best known for its thermal spas. On Monday, which coincides with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, ministers were attending the inauguration of a red bench meant to symbolize Italy’s focus on fighting gender-based violence. Over the weekend, tens of thousands of people marched in Rome to protest gender-based violence , which in Italy so far this year has claimed the lives of 99 women, according to a report last week by the Eures think tank.
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