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Daily Post Nigeria Telegram profitable for first time, founder announces Home News Politics Metro Entertainment Sport News Telegram profitable for first time, founder announces Published on December 23, 2024 By Chris Johnson Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, has recorded its first net profit in 2024, with annual revenues surpassing $1 billion, according to its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov. Durov shared the milestone in a post on his Telegram channel, stating: “As I predicted, 2024 turned out to be a very good year for Telegram. For the first time in its three-year history of monetization, Telegram became profitable.” The app, which claims over 950 million users globally, began monetising in 2021 by introducing paid subscriptions and advertisements. These efforts have fuelled significant growth, with subscribers to its premium service tripling to 12 million this year. Durov highlighted that Telegram’s annual revenue exceeded $1 billion and that the company now holds more than $500 million in cash reserves, excluding cryptocurrency assets. Despite this financial success, Telegram has not published detailed annual accounts to corroborate Durov’s claims. In August, the Dubai-based app’s founder faced legal challenges in France. Durov, who holds French citizenship, was arrested and charged with failing to curb extremist and illegal content on the platform. Released on strict bail conditions, including reporting to authorities twice a week, Durov criticised French officials, calling their approach “misguided.” However, he acknowledged that Telegram’s rapid expansion had made it easier for criminals to misuse the platform. In response, Telegram has intensified its efforts to address problematic content. Durov revealed that the company now employs artificial intelligence to block harmful material in its search features, ensuring such content is no longer accessible. Durov maintained that misuse of the platform remains minimal, asserting that “99.999 percent” of Telegram’s users are not involved in criminal activity. The app has built its reputation on strong privacy protections, which have also drawn criticism from governments over its use by criminal networks. Related Topics: Telegram Don't Miss Kremlin denies reports of divorce between Bashar al-Assad, wife Asma You may like Telegram fined for failing to delete banned content Telegram ready to quit non-compatible markets — CEO Durov Don’t intimidate him – Russia warns France over detained Telegram founder Pavel Durov UAE seeks consular services for arrested Telegram boss Pavel Durov Telegram founder arrested in France NCC warns Nigerians over new ways hackers attack messaging app, Telegram Advertise About Us Contact Us Privacy-Policy Terms Copyright © Daily Post Media LtdThe dynamic Texas economy continues to add jobs across most industry sectors, though the pace has decreased somewhat of late. Given the slowing in the national economy and rising global uncertainty, it’s a positive signal that the state’s generally expansionary trend has been mostly sustained. The Perryman Group’s latest long-term forecast indicates that Texas is likely to continue to generate a substantial portion of the nation’s overall growth. There are certainly obstacles, but favorable patterns include demographics, energy, and emerging industries. Population growth is stalling in many areas, contributing to ongoing workforce shortages, but is increasing in Texas due in part to in-migration from other states and countries (a phenomenon which is diminishing modestly in recent data). Numerous studies indicate that many of the individuals migrating to Texas are in prime working age ranges, with a substantial number of them possessing in-demand skills and training. These new residents are facilitating economic growth and generating opportunities which, in turn, can contribute to additional inflows. The state’s younger population is also a positive factor. Texas oil and gas is crucial to meeting US and global needs. The state’s production helps ensure energy security for the United States and our allies, particularly in times of geopolitical uncertainty. Simultaneously, this industry generates jobs and investment throughout the state. Forecasts from major public- and private-sector entities (including our projections) indicate that oil and gas will be crucial to meeting growing energy demand over a long-term horizon, and will continue to be an important aspect of the state’s economy. Texas is also a leader in many other forms of our diverse energy future, including wind, solar, and hydrogen (among others). Texas is experiencing notable expansion in several industry groups which will enhance the long-term prospects for the state economy. In particular, the emergence of life sciences industries, investment banking and securities, and various aspects of technology (such as microchips, AI, data centers, and crypto mining) are spurring impressive gains in business activity. The state also faces daunting challenges which will materially affect ultimate outcomes. A growing population and economy will require additional water, roadways, electricity (both generation and transmission), and investments in education (among other things). A critical imperative is ensuring that young people are provided with excellent learning opportunities. Texas is better positioned than many areas, but only if students are adequately prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. The Perryman Group’s current long-term forecast indicates Texas should see economic growth at a faster pace than the nation. We’re projecting 1.64% annual employment growth through 2053, representing a gain of 9.1 million jobs. Business fluctuations are inevitable, but the economic outlook is decidedly positive, with numerous diverse sources contributing to ongoing expansion.
Genetic testing will become a mandatory part of premarital screenings for all Emirati citizens planning to marry, beginning January 2025. This initiative is spearheaded by the Emirates Genome Council and represents a major stride toward improving public health and enhancing the quality of life in the nation. While premarital medical tests were already compulsory for both Emiratis and expatriates, genetic testing was previously optional. The new mandate aims to proactively identify hereditary diseases, including over 570 genetic mutations linked to conditions like cardiomyopathy, genetic epilepsy, spinal muscular atrophy, hearing loss, and cystic fibrosis. The initiative aligns with the UAE Centennial Vision 2071, focusing on sustainable development and the adoption of cutting-edge medical technologies. By establishing a national genetic database, the strategy will facilitate early medical intervention, ensuring healthier future generations. “The move will usher in a transformative shift in the healthcare sector, leveraging advanced genomic technologies for proactive and sustainable healthcare,” the Ministry of Health and Prevention stated. It confirmed that all necessary resources, including trained medical staff, specialised expertise, and technical infrastructure, are already in place to implement this ambitious initiative. COMMENTS Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our
Andrew Callahan: It’s time to forget about Jerod Mayo getting firedIndia vs Australia Live Score Updates of 4th Test 2024 Day 2: Get Live Commentary and Full Scorecard Online of IND vs AUS Cricket Match
India National Cricket Team vs Australia National Cricket Team Live Score Updates: The Australia national cricket team and the India national cricket team are playing the fourth Test of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25 at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne. The opening day of the thrilling Boxing Day Test was full of action-packed moments in front of the record-breaking 87,242 people in the stands. Australia skipper Pat Cummins won the toss and decided to bat first on a good batting MCG track. The 19-year-old debutant Sam Konstas left everyone stunned and showcased his fearless approach with the bat against the world No. 1 Test bowler Jasprit Bumrah, which became a huge talking point. The youngster slammed two sixes to Bumrah. Konstas also had a heated exchange with veteran cricketer Virat Kohli. The debutant made 60 runs off 65 balls, including six fours and two sixes, which gave a perfect start to the host. Melbourne Cricket Ground Witnesses Highest Single-Day Attendance in India vs Australia Test Matches, Registers New Record During IND vs AUS 4th Test 2024 . Veteran batter Usman Khawaja, who has been struggling so far in the ongoing five-match Test series, registered his first fifty. The left-handed batter opener played a gritty knock of 57 off 121 balls, including six fours. Marnus Labuschagne made 72 runs off 145 balls with the help of seven fours as the host dominated the first two sessions on day 1. However, India made a brilliant comeback in the final session of Day 1. As a result, the host made 311/6 in 86 bowlers. Jasprit Bumrah bagged a three-wicket haul on Day 1 of IND vs AUS 4th Test 2024. The five-match Test series between the India national cricket team and the Australia national cricket team is locked at 1-1. Team India won the opening Test at Perth. Australia defeated the visitors in the second Test in Adelaide. The third Test match between the two archrivals in Brisbane was drawn. Virat Kohli, Sam Konstas Engage in Heated Argument After Indian Star Shoulder Charges 19-Year-Old During IND vs AUS Boxing Day Test at MCG (Watch Video) . IND vs AUS 4th Test 2024 Squad: India National Cricket Team: Yashasvi Jaiswal, KL Rahul, Shubman Gill, Virat Kohli, Rishabh Pant(w), Rohit Sharma(c), Ravindra Jadeja, Nitish Kumar Reddy, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohammed Siraj, Akash Deep, Abhimanyu Easwaran, Sarfaraz Khan, Tanush Kotian, Washington Sundar, Australia National Cricket Team: Usman Khawaja, Sam Konstas, Jhye Richardson, Marnus Labuschagne, Steven Smith, Travis Head, Mitchell Marsh, Alex Carey(w), Pat Cummins(c), Mitchell Starc, Nathan Lyon, Scott Boland, Sean Abbott, Beau Webster (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 27, 2024 04:45 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com ).The Dolphins' improbable path to the playoffs isn't in their hands, but they must do their part
THREE KEY FACTS AI is being rapidly integrated into healthcare for tasks like note-taking and drafting patient messages. Concerns arise about AI’s accuracy after studies show it can provide inappropriate or biased medical advice. Doctors are urged to thoroughly check AI outputs to prevent errors and maintain patient safety. At a recent medical check-up, the doctor showed up with artificial intelligence. I got to see AI’s possibilities and problems play out in a very personal way. “Before we start, I want to just ask you a quick question,” Stanford Health Care’s Christopher Sharp says, opening an app on his smartphone. “I’m using a technology that records our conversation and uses artificial intelligence to summarise and make my notes for me.” During the exam, Sharp makes a point of saying my blood pressure and other findings out loud so his AI scribe will hear him. He also uses AI to help write first drafts of answers to patient messages, including suggested treatment advice.
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