NEW YORK, Nov 24 — The FBI has warned the NBA that many recent home burglaries targeting professional athletes and high net worth individuals may be connected to sophisticated, transnational theft rings, the league said in a memo obtained by Reuters on Friday. Two players in the NBA had their homes broken into in recent weeks, according to media reports, along with the NFL’s twice MVP Patrick Mahomes and his Kansas City Chiefs teammate Travis Kelce, who is dating pop superstar Taylor Swift. The memo, which the NBA directed to teams across the league, advised that players should install updated security systems and utilise protective guard services when they are away from home for extended periods of time. “NBA Security received a briefing from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (‘FBI’) that connected many of the home burglaries to transnational South American Theft Groups (‘SATGs’),” the memo read. “These SATGs are reportedly well-organised, sophisticated rings that incorporate advanced techniques and technologies, including pre-surveillance, drones, and signal jamming devices.” The FBI said that the homes that were broken into were all unoccupied and, in most cases, were equipped with alarm systems that had not been activated, according to the memo. The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The memo is similar in nature to a document that the NFL sent this week, in which the league advised players to ramp up home security. Around-the-clock media reports and team schedules make it easy to know when players are on the road for extended periods of time and the NFL urged players to exercise caution in what they post to social media. The NFL said that surveillance tactics included attempted home deliveries and individuals posing as joggers or home maintenance workers. — Reuters
Yes, it is unconstitutional to deport U.S. citizensMoody's Corp. stock outperforms competitors on strong trading day
( ) shares are ending the week on a high. In morning trade, the infant formula company's shares are up 18% to $5.70. Why are A2 Milk shares ending the week with a bang? Investors have been scrambling to buy the company's shares this morning after it released a trading update ahead of its annual general meeting. According to the release, business has been stronger than expected during the first half, which has led to a revenue guidance upgrade. But the bigger news is that A2 Milk is finally going to start sharing its profits with its shareholders. After sitting on a mountain of cash for some time, the company has decided that now is the time to pay . Revenue guidance Let's start with its revenue guidance upgrade. Management advised that year to date trading is ahead of plan and the guidance it provided in August. This is primarily due to a significant increase in MVM external ingredient sales compared to plan. This is being driven by higher global dairy Ttade prices, currency impacts, and changes in product mix. However, this is expected to have an immaterial impact on EBITDA and a slightly dilutive impact on gross margin and its EBITDA margin. Outside this, management notes that English Label infant milk formula (IMF) sales and Liquid Milk sales are slightly ahead of plan year to date. In light of the above, the company is now forecasting mid to high single-digit revenue growth in FY 2025 versus FY 2024. This compares favourably to its previous guidance of mid single-digit growth. A2 Milk's EBITDA margin as a percentage of revenue in FY 2025 is still expected to be broadly in line with FY 2024. This includes its first half margin being down and its second half margin being up compared with the prior year. Dividend policy While the above is positive, the main thing driving A2 Milk shares higher today is likely to be the establishment of a dividend policy. The company notes that its dividend policy targets a payout ratio range of between 60% and 80% of net profit after tax excluding non-recurring and other items (normalised NPAT). This dividend policy commences immediately and the first interim dividend is expected to be declared in February 2025 with a payout ratio of 60% of normalised NPAT. The company also advised that it would consider special dividends in time, once it has executed its strategy and risk mitigation. If A2 Milk had paid out 60% of its earnings per share in FY 2024, it would have meant a dividend of 12.6 cents per share. This equates to a 2.6% based on yesterday's close price. The company's chair, Pip Greenwood, said: The a2 Milk Company has made considerable progress in developing its operating model and creating a more resilient business. Given this progress and our strong balance sheet position, the Board believes the time is right to introduce a dividend policy that delivers sustainable cash returns to shareholders over time. Commenting on the dividend policy, A2 Milk's CEO, David Bortolussi, said: I am pleased to introduce The a2 Milk Company's first dividend policy to reward our shareholders for their support over many years and to reflect the significant progress made since we announced our refreshed growth strategy in 2021.Blockchain Market Expansion and Growth Forecast 2024-2031
Caterpillar Inc. Maintains Dividend(Reuters) – OpenAI said on Monday it has released its artificial intelligence model, which creates video from text, to ChatGPT Plus and Pro users, expanding its foray into multimodal AI technologies. The Microsoft-backed company, which kicked off a generative AI craze with the launch of its ChatGPT chatbot in November 2022, aims to target similar text-to-video tools from Meta and Alphabet’s Google, along with Stability AI’s Stable Video Diffusion. The AI model, named Sora, was first introduced in February, but its access was limited to safety testers in its research preview phase. It is now available to ChatGPT Plus and Pro users as Sora Turbo at no additional cost. “We’re working on tailored pricing for different types of users, which we plan to make available early next year,” the company said in a blog post. Users will be able to generate videos up to 1080p resolution, up to 20 seconds long and in widescreen, vertical or square aspect ratios. OpenAI said while Sora would not yet be available in EU countries, Switzerland and the UK, the AI model would be accessible in other regions where ChatGPT is present. The company also said it will block the creation and upload of damaging forms of abuse, such as child sexual abuse materials and sexual deepfakes, on Sora to prevent its misuse. “Uploads of people will be limited at launch, but we intend to roll the feature out to more users as we refine our deepfake mitigations,” it said. (Reporting by Rishi Kant in Bengaluru; Editing by Krishna Chandra Eluri) Disclaimer: This report is auto generated from the Reuters news service. ThePrint holds no responsibility for its content. var ytflag = 0;var myListener = function() {document.removeEventListener('mousemove', myListener, false);lazyloadmyframes();};document.addEventListener('mousemove', myListener, false);window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {if (ytflag == 0) {lazyloadmyframes();ytflag = 1;}});function lazyloadmyframes() {var ytv = document.getElementsByClassName("klazyiframe");for (var i = 0; i < ytv.length; i++) {ytv[i].src = ytv[i].getAttribute('data-src');}} Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );Princely Umanmielen’s return to the Swamp ends with a loss and a police escort
ボストン発, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 損害保険および一般保険の未来を定義するグローバルなインテリジェントソリューションプロバイダーであっるダック・クリーク・テクノロジーズが、同社および顧客の成長と変革を推進することを目的に、熟練した3名の幹部をグローバル上級リーダーシップチームに任命した。これらの幹部は、北米営業担当シニアバイスプレジデントのウィリアム・マゴーワン (William Magowan)、EMEA担当マネージングディレクターのエロディ・ヒルデラル (Elodie Hilderal)、APAC担当マネージングディレクターのクリスチャン・エリクソン (Christian Erickson) である。彼らは、ダック・クリークの世界中の顧客やパートナーに世界クラスの体験を提供しつつ、組織全体と連携して拡大と収益成長の新たな機会を切り拓くために取り組む。 ウィリアム、エロディ、クリスチャンは、ダック・クリークを含む保険テクノロジー分野で豊富な経験を有している。 ウィリアム・マゴーワン は、 北米営業担当シニアバイスプレジデント としてダック・クリークに再入社した。同氏は保険テクノロジー業界における20年以上の営業リーダーとしての経験を持っている。彼は、高パフォーマンスの営業チームの開発とリーダーシップ、商品の革新推進、そして確かな顧客価値の提供において優れた実績を示してきた。 エロディ・ヒルデラル は、 EMEA担当マネージングディレクター に任命された。これは、ダック・クリークの営業担当バイスプレジデントとして大いに成功した役割に続くものである。エロディは、保険および再保険のエンタープライズソフトウェア業界で15年間にわたり営業、プロフェッショナルサービス、カスタマーサクセスの分野でリーダーシップを発揮してきた経験を持つ優れたリーダーである。 クリスチャン・エリクソン は、新たな APAC担当マネージングディレクター として、エンタープライズソフトウェア、クラウド、サイバーセキュリティ、プロフェッショナルサービスにおける25年以上の経験をもたらす。ダック・クリークに入社する前、クリスチャンはコグニザント (Cognizant) やアクセンチュア (Accenture) を含む複数の企業で金融サービスおよび保険部門のゼネラルマネージャーを務め、成長、カスタマーサクセス、プロフェッショナルサービスの責任を担っていた。 「ウィリアム、エロディ、そしてクリスチャンの任命は、ダック・クリークにとって重要な転換点となります。彼らのリーダーシップスキルと業界の専門知識により、2025年にこれまでにない成長を遂げ、グローバルな展開を拡大することができると確信しています」と、ダック・クリーク・テクノロジーズの最高経営責任者であるマイク・ジャコウスキー (Mike Jackowski) は述べている。「ダック・クリークは保険テクノロジーのパイオニアであり、当社の顧客は、展開するソリューションから届ける顧客体験に至るまで、卓越性の基準を設定することを期待しています。この3人の幹部はいずれも、ダック・クリークが業界をリードし続け、保険会社と保険契約者に長期的な利益をもたらすために必要な背景、ノウハウ、そして実績を備えています」。 ダック・クリーク・テクノロジーズについて ダック・クリーク・テクノロジーズは、損害保険業界および一般保険業界の未来を定義するインテリジェントソリューションのプロバイダーである。最新の保険システムを構築するためのプラットフォームであり、保険業界がクラウドのパワーを活用し、俊敏でインテリジェントな常勝のオペレーションを実行することを可能にする。ダック・クリークの中核を成すのは信頼性、目的、透明性であり、個人や企業が最も必要とするタイミング、場所、方法で保険が提供されるべきだと考えている。市場をリードする同社のソリューションは、スタンドアロンでも フルスイート でも利用可能であり、すべて ダック・クリーク・オンデマンド (Duck Creek OnDemand) で利用できる。詳しくは、 www.duckcreek.com を参照されたい。最新情報については、 LinkedIn および X のソーシャルチャネルでダック・クリークをフォローされたい。 報道関係者向け問い合わせ先: マリアンヌ・デンプシー (Marianne Dempsey) /タラ・ストレッド (Tara Stred) duckcreek@threeringsinc.comRising Cybersecurity Insurance Demands Create New Opportunities for Technology Service Providers, Says Info-Tech Research Group
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